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Folkestone man bit barber’s testicles in high street and said: ‘I’ve got Aids’

By: Julia Roberts

Published: 05:00, 22 February 2024

Updated: 13:44, 23 February 2024

A racist thug sank his teeth into a stranger’s testicles “with extreme force” before claiming to have Aids.

Canterbury Crown Court heard that Bradley Cooper’s savage attack in front of horrified shoppers left the victim - who owns a nearby barber’s salon - bleeding and needing stitches.

The businessman had earlier come under fire from Cooper when he had stepped in to stop the yob abusing a young man outside his shop in Folkestone.

In return for his spirited actions, however, the Good Samaritan was himself subjected to racially-offensive language from both Cooper and his female companion before being spat at.

But two days later he was targeted more violently by the 38-year-old as he walked along Sandgate Road, the court was told.


A bare-chested and swearing Cooper floored the barber with a punch, grabbed his legs as he lay in the street and then bit him, leaving blood soaking through his clothing.

The victim later told police that his attacker “held on for some time” and he feared he had suffered a life-changing injury.

The court heard he had also been jumped on, punched and scratched by Cooper’s female friend.

Bradley Cooper bit a barber's testicles in Sandgate Road, Folkestone

Police were called and the pair were arrested but Cooper continued to behave abusively, branding a police officer a “pig” and a “fat ****”, claiming to have the HIV virus and then spitting repeatedly at patrol vehicles.

At the time he was under investigation for assaulting and racially abusing a British Transport Police officer at Margate railway station.

Cooper, of Langhorne Gardens, Folkestone, later admitted wounding, racially aggravated common assault, criminal damage, assault on an emergency worker and racially aggravated harassment.

He had originally been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent but his guilty plea to the less serious offence of wounding was accepted by the prosecution.

The sickening attack took place in front of shocked shoppers in Sandgate Road, Folkestone

The court was told the woman arrested with him was “awaiting a charging decision”.


Prosecutor Caroline Knight said the barber shop owner first encountered the couple at about 3pm on Sunday, September 10, after he had intervened to stop them shouting and swearing at another man in a “racist and offensive manner”.

The pair, however, turned their attention on him, calling him a “Turkish P***.” He was then spat on before they “lost interest” and walked off, said Ms Knight.

Two days later at about 9am, the barber was spotted by Cooper as he and the female were sitting on a bench outside the Sunshine cafe.

“The defendant recognised him and approached him, swearing and then punching him,” Ms Knight told the court.

“The woman jumped on him and started punching him to the face. He fell to the ground where she continued to punch and scratch his face.

“The defendant then held him down and bit his testicles with extreme force, holding on for what the victim described as some time.

“One onlooker saw the fight and said the defendant grabbed hold of the victim’s legs. The victim could then be seen holding his groin area and a large wet patch which turned out to be blood.”

Ms Knight said those watching in the street were scared and upset by what had unfolded.

Of his arrest, she added: “He was spitting repeatedly at police cars and threatening officers, saying, ‘I’m going to hurt you, I’m going to spit at you, I have got Aids...I’m going to stab you.’”

“I don't know what kind of person does that. It is unimaginable...”

The court also heard of the impact suffered by the barber both from his injury and the racist abuse.

In a statement read aloud by the prosecutor, he said: “I have lived in this country for 16 years and have worked hard all this time.

“I have a family and a business here and I feel like a citizen of this country.

“However, when this happened and they were shouting racist comments in the street with people about and the lady saying I would be deported, it was incredibly hurtful.

“I do not like racism and I feel there is no need for it. This has hurt me very much emotionally.”

Having detailed how he had to take time off work to recover and the resulting cost to his business, he continued: “I had only gone outside of work to help someone else and be a good person.

“I never expected what happened to happen. I cannot believe a man and a woman who I did not know would attack me in the street and make racist comments.

“I am so shocked that the man bit my testicles… I don’t know what kind of person does that. It is unimaginable.

“I am lucky my injuries were not worse than they were because this type of injury could have changed my life.”

Six months earlier Cooper had assaulted the BTP officer by ripping off his uniform epaulette and damaging an earpiece wire after being challenged about travelling on a train without a ticket.

Bradley Cooper, from Folkestone, was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court

He also branded the man “a foreign ****” and threatened “I’ll f*** you up.”

At Cooper’s sentencing hearing on Tuesday, defence lawyer John Barker said while diagnoses of Tourette’s, ADHD and an emotionally unstable personality disorder could not be blamed for his offending, they did provide an explanation.

“He recognises there is a need for change in his life. He is effectively middle-aged and still behaving like an out-of-control teenager at times,” added Mr Barker.

“He is ashamed and remorseful about that. He knows that he has issues but he cannot blame those issues for his conduct.”

However, the barrister’s assertion that the court should not place too much emphasis on the area of the bite itself was rejected.

Jailing Cooper for a total of two years and eight months, Judge Simon James said of the attack: “This whole sorry incident in which you were the aggressor throughout took place in a busy shopping centre during the day and in front of upset onlookers.

“The sentiments included in the victim impact statement are rightly understandable. He not only has a right to be protected from unlawful violence but also the corrosive impact of racist abuse, as indeed do all members of society.

“Biting someone is equivalent to the use of a weapon. I consider deliberate targeting of a particularly vulnerable area, the degree of force used and the potential consequences all aggravate the seriousness of the offence.”

Cooper was also handed a five-year restraining order banning him from contacting his victim or going to his shop.

Detective Constable Charlotte Tracey, of East Kent CID, said: “Cooper delivered a horrendous attack, in public view, and left his victim needing hospital treatment for his injuries.

“I’m pleased that this violent offender has been jailed and I hope the prison term imposed for his crimes will serve as a reminder that violence on our streets will not be tolerated.

“I’d also like to thank the witnesses in the case whose evidence helped to secure Cooper’s conviction and put a dangerous man behind bars.”

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