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Woman set dog on police hunting Gravesend burglars who tied up and threatened victims with knives

By: Chris Hunter

Published: 13:59, 28 February 2020

Updated: 14:51, 28 February 2020

Three burglars broke into a Gravesend home, tied up the occupants and threatened them with knives before a friend set her dog on police officers who were hunting them.

Baffour Amponsah, Alfie Taylor and David Powell, forced their way into an address in Rochester Road on July 11 last year and assaulted two people before stealing jewellery and cash.

The burglars were caught on CCTV during the raid

Woolwich Crown Court heard this week how the victims had been asleep upstairs in their home when they were woken by three masked men who entered the bedroom wielding knives and demanding money.

The victims were tied up, punched in the head and ordered to lie face down on the bed by one of the men while the other two searched the property taking items of jewellery and cash.

But the burglars were forced to flee when one of the victims managed to overpower the man who was holding them, push him out of the bedroom and lock the door before calling police.


Officers attended the scene along with a police dog, which tracked the suspects to a property in Thong Lane, but found their efforts to gain entry blocked by a woman at the address.

Elizabeth Woods, who was inside, opened the door but tried stop officers from entering and attempted to set her dog on them.

Inside, officers discovered cannabis cultivation of around 40 plants in a downstairs room, before searching the property and finding Amponsah in a bed and Taylor hiding in a wardrobe upstairs. Jewellery and cash were discovered at the address which belonged to the victims; and various designer handbags, designer shoes and approximately £5,000 were also seized.

Amponsah and Taylor were arrested and later pleaded guilty to aggravated burglary, while Woods, 27, was charged with perverting the course of justice, permitting the production of cannabis and possession of criminal property.

Powell was arrested three days later when officers spotted him walking along Cruden Road and he was found to have a black face mask and gloves in his pocket.

He denied the same charge of aggravated burglary but was found guilty by a jury following a trial at Woolwich Crown Court.


All four were sentenced at Woolwich Crown Court on Wednesday.

Amponsah 32, of Lee High Road, Lewisham pleaded guilty to burglary and was sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment.

Alfie Taylor, 25, of Mason Close, Rotherhithe pleaded guilty to burglary was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment.

Powell, 31, of Thong Lane, Gravesend was found guilty of burglary by a jury and was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment.

Woods was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment.

Detective Constable Rebecca Ward said: "This was a violent burglary and an extremely terrifying ordeal for the victims. Not only were they threatened with knives and tied up, they were assaulted without being able to defend themselves.

"However, the bravery of one of those victims resulted in him being able to call us while the offenders were still in his home. This meant we were quickly at the scene and able to track Amponsah and Taylor to the address at Thong Lane.

"Despite Woods' efforts to obstruct the officers, they managed to enter that address and gather the evidence to convict them. Powell denied his part in the crime but a thorough investigation led to his conviction and I am pleased they are all now rightfully behind bars."

Read more: All the latest news from Gravesend

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