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Gravesend security guard dies after Asake O2 Brixton Academy crush

By: Megan Carr

Published: 16:07, 19 December 2022

Updated: 15:43, 20 December 2022

A security guard has died of their injuries days after being caught up in a crush at the O2 Brixton Academy.

Gravesend resident Gaby Hutchinson was working at the venue last Thursday night.

Gaby Hutchinson was working as one of the contracted security providers for the event at Brixton Academy. Photo: Metropolitan Police

A crowd is believed to have attempted to gain entry without tickets, causing a crush inside the foyer.

They were trying to get in to see Afrobeats' star Asakes perform.

Eight people were taken to hospital following the incident.


The 23-year-old is the second person to die after Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, also suffered fatal injuries.

Police commander Chief Superintendent Colin Wingrove said: “It is devastating news that a second person has lost their life.

"I wish to express my heartfelt condolences to Gaby’s family at this unimaginably difficult time.”

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The scene outside Brixton O2 Academy (James Manning/PA)
Gaby Hutchinson has been named as the second person killed in a crush at the O2 Academy in Brixton. Photo: Facebook

Officers are working to established exactly what happened – reviewing CCTV, phone footage, speaking to witnesses and conducting forensic examinations.

A third woman, aged 21, remains in hospital in a critical condition. All three were in the venue's foyer.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA), an organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry, said in a statement: “We are saddened to hear about the tragic loss of lives following the crush at the Brixton Academy event held last week.

“Gaby Hutchinson was an SIA licence holder, and our sincere condolences go out to Gaby’s family and friends for their terrible loss.


“This awful incident is a reminder of the challenges security staff face when carrying out their duties to keep venues and members of the public safe.

Police officers at the scene outside Brixton O2 Academy. Picture: PA

"Our thoughts are also with all those who knew Rebecca Ikumelo, the young mother who died on Saturday, and with the family and friends of the 21-year-old woman who remains in a critical condition in hospital at this difficult time."

Police were called at 9.04pm following reports of a large crowd gathered outside.

A further call was made at 9.35pm reporting people were attempting to force entry inside.

Mr Wingrove added: "We have made a referral to the Independent Office for Police Conduct as is standard national practice following all incidents where police have been in attendance and members of the public have died or been seriously injured.

"There were around 4,000 potential witnesses present at the time of this incident and we urge any members of the public with information to come forward."

Gaby Hutchinson was killed following a crowd crush at the O2 Academy in Brixton. Photo: UKNIP

Asake, whose real name is Ahmed Ololade, said in a statement on Instagram: “My heart is with those who were injured last night and caused any form of discomfort. I pray you get well soonest. I am also in the process of reaching out to individuals.

“I still do not have the full brief from the venue management themselves as to what led to the disruption at the entrance of the Brixton Academy, but we are thankful that all was peaceful at the end.

“For my people who enjoyed the beginning of my performance, I am sorry that it was cut short.

“Thank you for your unbelievable love, London. I love you too much! I’m looking forward to seeing you again in a bit!”

Footage posted online showed large crowds outside the building, with many holding up mobile phones and filming the scene.

In other video content, the crowd inside the venue could be heard booing when an announcement was made from the stage saying the show was being stopped.

Asake nominated for BBC Radio 1’s Sound of 2023 (BBC/PA)

A woman involved in the crush, who spoke to the BBC after being admitted to hospital with suspected internal bleeding, said: “I couldn’t breathe and I completely passed out. I thought I was dead. I took my last breath and I could not get any more oxygen. I was so scared.

“I was just queuing up to give them my ticket and then the crowd out here was insane, they just came and pushed and I just fell down.”

John, 32, who lives next to the O2 and declined to give his surname, said police arrived after the gig was cancelled.

“I saw everyone at the front door of Brixton Academy, (then) everything just stopped,” he said.

“It looked like the gig had been cancelled, and then some commotion, some pushing and shoving, and the police came shortly after. That’s when it kicked off and became aggressive.”

He said people trying to get in had broken the glass of the front doors.

"It is devastating news that a second person has lost their life."

“People at the front were really pushing and shoving and trying to break through the door and force their way in,” he said. “The glass of the doors was broken.”

Lambeth police previously said emergency services attended the venue in Stockwell Road following reports shortly after 9.30pm of injuries after “a large crowd attempted to gain entry without tickets”.

Scotland Yard said police officers, London Ambulance Service and London Fire Brigade attended the scene and found “a number of people with injuries believed to have been caused by crushing”.

The concert was the third of three sold-out dates at the 4,921-standing capacity venue and concluded a run of UK dates.

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