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New walk-through Covid-19 testing centre to open at Lord Street Car Park in Gravesend

By: Sean Delaney

Published: 18:19, 04 December 2020

Updated: 10:33, 05 December 2020

A new walk-through Covid-19 testing facility is set to open near a town centre as part of efforts to drive down infection rates.

Testing at the new Lord Street Car Park site in Gravesend, which is being operated in partnership with G4S, will start from tomorrow.

The new walk-through Covid-19 testing facility will open at Lord Street Car Park in Gravesend. Photo: Google (43419143)

Appointments must be booked in advance online and will be made available each day.

Those being tested will be required to follow public health measures, including social distancing, not travelling by taxi or public transport, practising good personal hygiene and wearing a face covering throughout.

Anyone attending an appointment at a walk-through test site will be provided with guidance on getting to and from the test site safely, with additional support for vulnerable groups and people with disabilities.


The current infections rate for Gravesend town centre is currently 322 cases per 100,000 population in the seven days to November 29, ,according to Public Health England data. This was well above the national average.

Anyone testing positive for the virus in England will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace to help them trace their contacts.

Covid-19 rates are currently higher than the national average in parts of north Kent

This will help to identify who they may have been in close contact with, protecting others from further transmission.

Close contacts of those testing positive will also hear from NHS Test and Trace, asking them to stay at home for 14 days to prevent them from unknowingly spreading the virus. They will be advised to also book a test if they develop symptoms.

Health Minister Lord Bethell said:“To respond to the coronavirus, we have built a major testing and tracing system from scratch. We are constantly working to expand and improve it with new technologies and innovations so everyone with symptoms can get a test.

“New walk-in sites like this one makes it even easier to get a test no matter where you live.

"If you have symptoms of coronavirus, I urge you to book a test today and follow the advice of NHS Test and Trace if you are contacted to protect others and stop the spread of the virus.”


Commenting on the opening of the COVID-19 walk-through COVID-19 test centre in Gravesend, Cllr John Burden, leader of Gravesham Borough Council, said: “This is an important step in the efforts to bring the rate of infections in the Borough back under control. Latest figures appear to show the number of new positive cases in Gravesham has at least reached a plateau. But we all have our part to play if we are to see those figures beginning to fall significantly in the coming weeks.

“To visit the Lord Street centre, you must have a pre-booked test.

“If you have any coronavirus symptoms – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense or taste – or you have been asked to get tested by a doctor, public health professional or by one of our council team, you should book a test.

“If you have coronavirus symptoms, you must get a test. If you don’t have symptoms, don’t get a test. We all need to play our part to protect the NHS Test and Trace service for those who really need it.

“Anyone asked to visit the centre for a test will be given advice on how to do so safely, for example to avoid travelling by public transport or taxi. The Lord Street site has been chosen as it is accessible on foot for a large percentage of local people.

“I understand that some people may be concerned that having a testing unit nearby will increase their risk of catching coronavirus. Stringent safety measures will be put in place and followed at all times.

“To be at risk of contracting COVID-19, you need to have been in close contact with someone who already has it. Close contact means having face-to-face contact with someone (with or without a face mask) who is less than a metre (3 feet) away or be within 2 metres (6 feet) of an infected person for 15 minutes or more.

“Walk-through test centres have been operating safely and successfully throughout England and in neighbouring authorities in Kent. The opening of the Lord Street site is a positive move for Gravesham meaning those unfortunate enough to have COVID-19 symptoms can be tested quickly and efficiently without having to travel to neighbouring areas.“

There are currently more than 600 testing sites across the UK, including 79 drive-through sites, 370 walk-through sites, 258 mobile units, home testing and satellite kits and six lighthouse laboratories.

Everyone with symptoms can book or order a test at

Those unable to access the internet can call 119 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland or 0800 028 2816 in Scotland to book a test.

See more information on visiting a local test site here.

For the latest coronavirus news and advice, click here.

Read more: All the latest news for Gravesend

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