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Time runs out for campaigners to raise money to save Meopham Leisure Centre

By: Alex Langridge

Published: 15:09, 11 July 2022

Updated: 15:09, 11 July 2022

Time has run out for campaigners who were attempting to raise thousands of pounds in their battle to save a sports facility.

The lease on Meopham Leisure Centre near Gravesend draws to a close on Friday, July 29 and managers have warned it might not be possible to extend it.

Campaigners were trying to raise £30k to save the centre. Photo: Anna Roberts

Supporters were trying to raise £30,000 to keep the centre open for a further six months to give those involved a chance to negotiate a long-term arrangement.

A donation page was launched but facility operators Serco Leisure told fundraisers they had until Friday to raise the full sum.

An update by Meopham Sports and Leisure Association (MSLA) trustees confirmed the target was not reached in time.


The post read: "It is with deep regret that we have not been able to secure the short-term financial guarantees that we hoped for by the stated deadline.

"Without the certainty this guarantee would have provided, the existing MSLA trustees are not able to continue beyond July 31.

"For this reason, MSLA trustees have made the decision to pause the fundraising campaign with immediate effect.

Children joined in the protests and waved placards last week. Photo: Anna Roberts

"For those individuals who have generously donated to date, we would like to thank you immensely for all your efforts to help us protect the centre as a joint use facility.

"As the charity takes steps to wind down, we shall be seeking guidance from the Charity Commission and will consult with all of you to discuss how the funds raised and any additional surplus monies can be best put to use within the community in line with the charity's constitutional objectives.

"We shall keep the community updated with any further news as we progress."

More than £16,000 was donated online and further £4,500 off-line with one supporter even donating £5,000 alone.


However, all may not be lost yet – it is understood discussions on other ways to secure the centre's future are ongoing.

The facility is based at Meopham Secondary School and operated by The Swale Academies Trust (SAT).

The day-to-day running is managed by MSLA, with Serco Leisure Operating listed as the managing agent on the centre website.

Protests were held over its planned closure. Photo: Anna Roberts

SAT says it is engaged in "protracted discussions" but its priority is the education of children and not the subsidisation of third party organisations.

The closure announcement, which was made two weeks ago, has been met with anger and disapproval by villagers and members.

Hundreds of concerned residents, gym users and school children held a protest outside the leisure centre last Monday.

Meopham Parish Council has also expressed its "extreme concern" over the potential closure and has submitted an official request to Gravesham council for the centre to be recognised as an asset of community value.

This listing would enable a six-month moratorium period to be triggered if the Trust gave notification of its intent to sell the building on the open market or issue a new long-term lease. It is hoped this will give local groups the opportunity to develop their own bid to purchase the building.

MSLA's lease with SAT will cease at the end of the month. It is understood SAT is being advised by the government to charge the full commercial rate rather than the current peppercorn rate.

The trustees have confirmed the money was not secured in time. Picture: Steve Crispe

A trust spokesman said last week: "Swale Academies Trust recognises the value placed by residents of Meopham in the village sports centre. SAT has engaged in protracted discussions with MSLA over the renewal of their lease agreement.

"However, whilst we are keen to see this renewal occur we are not in a position to meet MSLA’s requests for a subsidy to help them ensure a financially sustainable business model.

"Funding is given by the DfE to SAT for the purposes of educating children, not to sustain third party organisations.

"In order that the village sports centre may remain open we would be happy to support MSLA in approaching other funding sources who may be able to assist in ensuring that their funding model is sustainable."

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