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Kim Jordan, 24, attacked by knifeman in Suffolk Road area of Gravesend

Published: 00:00, 14 February 2015

Updated: 10:45, 14 February 2015

A knife-wielding attacker tried to stab a young woman in the head, only yards from her mum's front door.

Kim Jordan, 24, from Gravesend, had a knife pulled on her before being thrown to the ground and kicked in the head by a man in the Suffolk Road area of Gravesend, at 8.30 yesterday night.

The man grabbed Ms Jordan from behind as she was walking back from Gravesend station - she was only doors from her mum's house when the attack took place.

Kim Jordan was attacked by a man wielding a knife yesterday night

Fortunately she escaped without serious injuries from the assault but was left with a graze to the head caused by the knife.

The incident took place only three days after a man was stabbed in Milton Road, Gravesend, in broad daylight on Tuesday.


The man was punched, kicked and knifed by two other men who had jumped out of a car.

He was treated at the scene before being airlifted to King’s College Hospital in London, with "potentially serious injuries".

Ms Jordan said: "I was walking near Suffolk Road and Russell Road and these three guys walked past.

"I didn't think anything of it at first, but when I walked on I was just grabbed from behind and he put his hand on my mouth.

A Police forensics officer gathers evidence at the crime scene in Milton Road, Gravesend.

"Then his other hand came around and he put a knife up to my face and we started struggling."

Courageously, the fine arts student at Cardiff School of Art and Design, tried to fight off her aggressor and screamed for help.

She said: "I managed to scramble away so I could scream and then there was a kind of scuffle.


"When I was on the floor I was like 'what are you doing?! Get off me!' and he told me to 'shut up' and kicked me in the head and ribs."

Ms Jordan said one of the most upsetting things about the attack was how nonchalantly the man treated it afterwards.

She said: "He didn't leg it at all, he just got up and walked away. He didn't seem bothered by it all.

"That was the most upsetting thing. He didn't take my things, he didn't grope me, it seemed like purely an intimidation thing."

Ms Jordan said her attacker tried to stab her in the head

The attacker was accompanied by two other men, but unfortunately the group escaped before police could be contacted.

Ms Jordan described the men as in their early twenties, having "medium to dark skin" and being between 5’8”- 6’3” in height.

She said: "I've been felt up on the way home before and been involved in scuffles, but I've never had a weapon pulled on me. That's what has shook me up really.

"I think when he shoved me to the ground he expected me to go along with what was happening and when we had the scuffle I thought 'I might get stabbed'.

"I was scared, I've never reacted in that way before. I know how to look after myself and I'm not an easily intimidated person, but that was the most scared I've ever been.

"I didn't hear him come up behind me."

A police spokeswoman said officers were investigating reports of an assault and that inquiries were on-going.

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