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Ben Mills

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 15:02, 26 April 2007

WHILE Ben Mills may not have managed to scoop the X Factor crown, he has definitely had the last laugh.

Whitstable’s finest has managed to secure himself a million pound recording deal with Sony that has seen him leap inside the top five in the album charts.

Not bad going at all considering that a short time ago he was still chipping in putting up marquees in East Kent with the company he runs alongside his sister Gemma.

"It does feel surreal to be where I am now, there is no time to sit back and reflect on it all. But it’s brilliant, every musicians dream to get their stuff recorded. All I ever wanted to be was a musician and earn a living from music.


"I’ve managed to get five of my own songs on the album and went in the studio at the beginning of January and just a month later we’d finished. It makes you feel very special to know they have spent the kind of money they have done on it and It’s a great feeling to be holding the record in my hands," explained the long-locked 26 year-old on his rapid rise.

As he’ll readily concede, it has not been the easiest of paths for the budding star, who’s been likened to a young Joe Cocker by high-trouser wearing music mogul Simon Cowell.

To his credit, the Kent singer has refused to bow to an unsubtle marketing ploy of releasing his debut album at the same time as fellow X-Factor finalist Ray Quinn.

According to national media reports, the pair have allegedly been feuding throughout the UK tour of the ITV reality music show this month.

The stories stacked further pressure on Ben after tabloid headlines of piano trashing involving his vengeful ex-girlfriend and his admissions to having taken cocaine while singing with tribute band, The LA Doors.

But he insists those more wreckless times are behind him and has worked hard to clean up his act. He is particularly proud of his family for their support.


"You have to be thick skinned about what is written in the papers. They can print what they want, but it’s all lies. I am not worried though as I have got what I wanted. But it is ridiculous what has been said about me and Ray.

"We are really good friends and have completely different markets. I was not so happy that the record company wanted to promote our albums together though.

"I drew the line at them wanting us do a photoshoot facing each other with boxing gloves. I really wasn’t into that idea at all," added the gravelly voiced singer, who managed to cause considerable damage to an 18,000 grand piano when he attempted some Jamie Cullum style dancing on it.

As for the overall experience of X-Factor, he concedes a debt of gratitude for giving him invaluable exposure. Yet given his colourful past and penchant for rough-edged rock music the show was not something the former Ashford based Towers school pupil ever felt truly comfortable with.

Despite this, he certainly had many highlights to look back on - not least being given plenty of encouragement by soul star Lionel Richie along the way.

"I think my favourite moment on the show was the week I did Somebody To Love. The producer didn’t want to pay for the gospel choir I wanted, and Sharon was not sure either. But they agreed in the end and it really worked."

Since leaving the show he’s enjoyed some serious celebrity treatment from his record company including hiring out a cadillac and having his hair styled by leading celebrity scissor-wielder Nicky Clarke. What, if anything has been keeping his feet on the ground?

"I went to visit some children at Great Ormond Street. They were great, that was one of the most difficult things I have had to experience. It makes you realise how lucky you are."

He was certainly not born with a silver spoon and has grafted hard for his own success. His musical influences revolved around the classic sounds of Bowie, Floyd and Deep Purple and honed his craft playing in local bands as a teenager.

Ten years on and he stands on the verge of a major career and is hoping that his songwriting skills will help him avoid the curse of the short-career reality TV star.

"I have not been back to Whitstable since Christmas as I am in London now, but I do really like it there. I love being on the beach down there with friends. From what I’ve heard the support from people back home has been fantastic. The wheels are already in motion for a gig down there."

As a measure of how busy he is, he was not even aware of the Pizza Express gig he’s playing in Maidstone. Only time will decide whether he has what it takes for a long-term career, but with major label backing he is certainly on the right road to stardom.

" Ben Mills plays Pizza Express in Maidstone on Friday, May 11. For ticket details contact the box office 0208 6885916.

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