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Kent councillor announces intention to stand against Roger Gough in leadership battle

By: Simon Finlay, Local Democracy Reporter

Published: 16:12, 31 July 2023

Updated: 07:06, 01 August 2023

The Conservative leader of Kent County Council Roger Gough faces a leadership challenge from one of his own backbenchers.

Cllr Harry Rayner, who represents Malling West, announced his intention to stand against Cllr Gough during a group meeting of Tory members at County Hall last Friday.

Cllr Roger Gough

It follows months of rumours and “background grumblings” about Cllr Gough’s leadership. In recent weeks, it emerged the authority must find £86m in economies at a time of squeezed budgets and soaring costs.

Conservative backbenchers have been concerned about potential cuts to KCC-run tips, possible closure of children’s centres and the state of the county’s potholed roads.

Cllr Gough took charge of the authority in 2019 after the departure of Sir Paul Carter. The local democracy service understands the challenge was mounted during the ‘any other business’ section at the end of the Tory group meeting, held in the cabinet room.


According to witnesses, Cllr Rayner, who was sitting next to Cllr Gough, told him that he had sufficient numbers to mount a leadership challenge but gave no further explanation.

It is unclear if it was an intention to run in the autumn at the annual Conservative meeting or as an immediate ‘no confidence’ challenge.

About 20 members were present in the room with many more joining online.

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Cllr Gough took over from Sir Paul Carter in 2019

One Conservative backbencher said: “Harry came out with it right at the end and Roger looked a bit shocked. But after the initial shock passed and a pause, Roger said something in reply in his usual polite and civil way.”

Another said: “It was said almost in an off the cuff way and by the time it registered with me, I was wondering if I had actually heard it.

“I could not pledge 100% blind allegiance to any leader but there is some concern about how KCC intends to find the tens of millions required in savings.

“Adult social care gobbles up a massive proportion of the budget for quite a small number of people. Yet all people hear is the possible closure of their local tip or children’s centre while driving around on congested, potholed roads. I will listen to what Harry has to say."


Cllr Simon Webb, who represents Maidstone Rural West, said: “Over time, people do get a bit disillusioned with the leader, whoever it is. But I totally support Roger - he is by far the best person to lead the county council.

“Roger is not only a very able man but also a very kind man. Some see the latter as a sign of weakness but I disagree. He stays calm and collected.”

Cllr Harry Rayner

Another member said: "You always get background grumblings about any leader. I understand the frustrations over the tip closures. It's p***** a lot of people off and, as councillors, we're hearing it everywhere we go.

"But there are very few able enough or up to the job that Roger does with what is going on. Harry may well have some support but one would ask if he really is a replacement."

Cllr Rayner said: “It is an internal Conservative Party matter and I have nothing else to say.”

KCC Liberal Democrat group leader Cllr Antony Hook said: "It just goes to illustrate what state the Tories are in both locally and nationally.

"The taxpayers of the county are facing £86m in cuts all over the place, yet the Tories seem more interested in squabbling amongst themselves."

Cllr Gough and his chief whip, Cllr Dylan Jeffrey, have been approached for comment.

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