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Even the pros have woes

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 15:59, 17 May 2011

Colin Montgomerie will be at Golf Live at the London Golf Club

Enthusiasts across Kent will gather at the London Golf Club in the hope of picking up some tips from the pros at Golf Live. Its ambassador Colin Montgomerie told Chris Price that even the pros can get it wrong sometimes in their career.

In the middle of the 18th fairway at Winged Foot just 172 yards from the hole, Colin Montgomerie appeared to be in prime position in the 2006 US Open. If the Scotsman was offered the chance to go back to any moment in his career again, he would put himself back there without hesitation.

Looking like he would do no worse than a play-off, the eight- time Order of Merit winner on the European Tour, who has never won a major, spent much time deciding what club to use.

In the end he picked a seven iron over a six, thinking adrenaline would give him an extra 10 yards but missed well to the right and ended up three putting for double bogey.


“It’s a tough question,” said the Scotsman. “But if I could go back to one shot and replay it then it would have to be my approach shot on the 18th at Winged Foot in the US Open which cost me the championship.

“If it was to relive a special memory then I think it would have to be either the moment I had to hole a relatively simple putt to win the Ryder Cup on the 18th at Oakland Hills in 2004 or, of course, the moment Graeme McDowell holed his putt to win Europe the 2010 Ryder Cup under my captaincy. It was a fantastic feeling.”

Colin Montgomerie puts on the second at The London Golf Club near West Kingsdown in the European Open 2008.

This weekend the 47-year-old will be at the London Golf Club, near Brands Hatch, for Golf Live, an event for amateurs to find out how to improve their game with European tour pros.

The likes of leading players Paul McGinley, Darren Clarke, Thomas Levet and Retief Goosen will be on hand for workshops on iron play, short game and driving as well as to offer tips at the family event. There will also be nearest-the-pin competitions, a junior golf academy and stalls.

“When I was asked to be ambassador for the event I was very excited to be involved in such an innovative new concept for enthusiastic golfers,” said Colin.

“Now into its second year, I can see just how much of a genuine difference it can make to any amateur’s game. Apart from that it is just a really fun event.”

Away from golf, Colin is a bit of a car enthusiast who enjoys “driving round in my BMW” and likes to watch other sports and read. He is a Leeds United fan but golf is never too far away from his daily routine.

Colin Montgomerie had a rough time during the European Open in 2008 at the London Golf Club near West Kingsdown.

“I like to get up fairly early and start with a hearty breakfast to give me energy for the day ahead,” he added.


“Before a round I like to spend a bit of time on the range, not too long that you over do things but to spend time practising shots with each club.”

Golf Live takes place at the London Golf Club, near Brands Hatch, from Friday, May 20 to Sunday, May 22.

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