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'I'd rather work in Brixton': Contractor Dave Pullen targeted by foul-mouthed residents of affluent Chestfield

By: Danny Boyle

Published: 00:01, 24 August 2012

Dave Pullen has been subjected to abuse because of the work at the Chestfield Roundabout

Road worker Dave Pullen has been subjected to abuse in Chestfield

by Sian Napier

With its multi-million pound houses, perfectly manicured lawns and sweeping gravel drives, the village of Chestfield is a world away from the notorious London district of Brixton.

But a worker constantly abused by locals as he laid water pipes on the Chestfield roundabout says he would rather work in the crime-ridden inner-city area – dubbed "the gun capital of London".


Sub-contractor Dave Pullen says the abuse he and colleagues have been subjected to has been so bad that for the first time in his 27-year career he has felt like jacking in his job.

"some of them seem to think that because they have a bit of money they have a god-given right to treat people like this…” – dave pullen

He was speaking just days before essential work on the Chestfield Road junction is due to end.

Mr Pullen said: "I'm no shrinking violet and I've worked all over the place, including in Brixton and Peckham, where there was usually a stabbing every day, but I'd rather work there than Chestfield.

"The abuse has been unbelievable and I have been shocked, not only at the swear words, but at the aggression as well.

"It's not from youngsters either – the worst has come from middle-aged people. Some of them seem to think that because they have a bit of money they have a God-given right to treat people like this."

Mr Pullen said the abuse started on the day they set up three weeks ago, even though locals had been told well in advance about the work and the road closure.

He said: "It has been pretty bad and unrelenting, but it came to a head on Friday when a woman came along and clicked her fingers in front of my face and a man came up and started egging me on to hit him.


"They know we can't do anything and can't defend ourselves and just have to take it. It was so bad we were at the point of walking off the site. I have never felt like that in 27 years of doing this job."

The village of Chestfield is a world away from urban Brixton, in south London

The village of Chestfield (above) is a world away from urban Brixton, in south London (below Picture: Google Street View)

Brixton in south London. Picture: Google Street View

Mr Pullen said he had been starting work on the site at 7.30am and carrying on until 8pm or 9pm to get the work finished as soon as possible, including at weekends.

But he said: "One woman asked why I couldn't work 24 hours a day to finish faster and another woman took photos of us every time we stopped for a break.

"The residents right by where we are working, where all the noise is, have been fine. It is a few people who live further up the road who have been the worst. They have sworn at us and come out with patronising comments.

"We have been polite and answered their questions. It has been absolutely shocking and all we are trying to do is improve their water supply. They have tried to drive their cars down the verge to get by because they don’t want to go a longer way round.

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"I love my job but for the first time ever I have dreaded going to work.

"In these situations all we can do is appeal to people's better nature, but there are a bunch of people in Chestfield Road who don't appear to have a better nature.

"We are due to finish this job on Monday but, barring bad weather, we should finish on Saturday.

"I can’t wait. I am thinking of having a party when I get off this site. I don’t want to do another job in Chestfield ever again."

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