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From Jesus and Freddie Mercury to Margaret Thatcher - Famous faces in unexpected Kent places

By: Alex Jee

Published: 06:00, 10 June 2020

Updated: 10:05, 10 June 2020

Kent is a land full of amazing pictures, and isn't short of a celebrity sighting or two.

Plenty of big names have made their homes in the county, and there have been a number of surprise visits across the years.

Celebrities have turned up in the flesh across the county

But what about when a recognisable face turns up in your own home when you least expect it?

Ranging from the historical to the biblical, popular to controversial – some pictures are instantly recognisable while others might take a little more searching.

Here, we look at some times where famous faces have been seen in the most bizarre places across the county.


Freddie Mercury

This little silhouette-o of the Queen front-man was spotted in a house in Canterbury.

Can you spot Freddie?

The likeness - formed by some coats on a banister - was caught by Glen Iris Close resident Margaret Hofman.

A glance shows the famous moustache and hairdo of the charismatic singer.

Eerily, Mrs Hofman said that photo was captured - as if by a kind of magic - just a week after Freddie passed away in 1991.

Donald Trump

A double-bill of famous faces brings us this rather fitting profile of the American President in a steak.

The photo of the peculiar shaped slab of meat was shared by former England defender and Ashford resident Neil 'Razor' Ruddock.


While it is unlikely that the lookalike will be checking into the White House any time soon, it does have a rather suitable hairdo.

Combined with a fantastic pair of lips, it's little wonder one could mis-steak this cut of beef for the President.

Jesus Christ

While it wasn't quite the second coming, a rather impressive likeness of Jesus was spotted on a wall in Herne Bay.

Kenny Iddenden spotted this likeness of Jesus on a damp Herne Bay wall

The holy profile was spotted by resident Kenny Iddenden while he was moving a fridge.

Reacting to his post on Facebook, some friends claimed to have also spotted a lamb nuzzling up under the figure's chin - we'll leave you to see if you can spot that.

Mr Iddenden said: "I took a picture on my mobile and then wiped it off - it might look like Jesus but I've got three kids and can't be doing with mould in my house."

Justin Beiber

Halloween enthusiasts in Ashford were trick-and-treated to see the Canadian pop star in a pumpkin back in 2013.

Justin Beiber's Pumpkin Persona

The appearance was much more purposeful than others on this list, after the likeness was carved by bricklayer Lee Rossiter.

The superstar's appearance was by request of a neighbour's daughter, while her sisters asked for Rapunzel and Peppa Pig.

With carving skills like that, Mr Rossiter is in danger of turning us all into beliebers.

Margaret Thatcher

This one might take a moment to see- but a couple were shocked to see the Iron Lady in their baby scan.

Margaret Thatcher can be spotted... if you look closely

The former prime minister can be seen lurking in the scan, taken for Mark and Dawn Smith from Stanhope.

Mrs Thatcher's famous hairstyle can be seen profiling the top of her head in the image that was taken at the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford.

Despite the likeness, the couple never had any intention of naming their child Margaret or Maggie.

Have you captured a famous face in a fence? Maybe a celebrity in your cellar?

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