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Kate Lawler

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:54, 13 March 2007

KATE LAWLER has just polished off a whole packet of Jaffa Cakes and is feeling just a little bit guilty for it.

"I’ve had to start going to see my old personal trainer Joe, who is into cage fighting and is really hardcore. I’m hoping to try to get back into shape again for the summer," she laughs.

But the former Big Brother winner will soon be consoling herself with a night out on the town with a few girlfriends as she prepares to DJ in Birmingham.

It’s a slightly unlikely career move for the presenter-turned-glamour model, but one she appears to be taking to in fine style having played a number of prestigious nightclubs.


While she admits there’s still more to learn in terms of mixing skills, she has made plenty of progress, locking herself away to practise for six months in 2005.

Becoming accepted in such an image-conscious industry has had its frustrations for her at times. But she is definitely winning crowds over with her favoured electro and house tunes.

"I’ve got to do some cool gigs and am really excited about this year as I have a residency at Sankey’s club in Manchester which has a great atmosphere."

The switch has taken her to some exotic venues and she has ventured as far afield as Japan which proved one of her most memorable shows to date. Kate had previously spent time over there with her former boyfriend and was glad of the chance to revisit the frantic, bright lights of Tokyo.

"I’d only been DJing for a few months when I did that but It was great to be back there. They were mental over there for that night. I quickly realised they were going to get a lot more into it if I was jumping around and dancing with them too - I ended up with someone’s bike helmet on my head!"

She’s clearly come a long way from her teenage days in Beckenham making mix tapes of the latest House tracks for her mates in preparation for the weekend.


Growing up in "Nam" as she fondly calls it was a positive experience for her non-identical twin sister Karen. It was her who persuaded Kate, who had been working in IT for an investment bank, to go for Big Brother.

"Karen is such a TV addict and was my biggest fan when I was in the house and wouldn’t’ have a bad word said about me. I’m excited as she’s having a baby just after our birthday in May, so I’ll be Auntie Kate!

"It seems like a lifetime since Big Brother. I don’t regret doing it has certainly helped give me a profile with my DJing. The only people I’m really in touch with from the house are Jonny, Alex and PJ."

Unlike many who have passed through C4’s house of horrors, TV work has been in regular supply. Morning chat show RISE, Love Island and Celebrity Wrestling have all come her way which have been fun sidelines for her. Then there’s the modelling for Ann Summers alongside Kent’s Nancy Sorrell, wife of Vic Reeves.

"That was fun and I really enjoyed working with Nancy who is a good friend of mine."

Outside of work, the 26-year-old, who still lives in Beckenham, feels she’s "quite boring", which is hard to believe. For her, a trip to the gym and a decent party with friends is enough to keep her happy. She was engaged to England footballer Jonathan Woodgate, but split owing to his being abroad playing for Real Madrid.

"I’ve been single for a couple of years now - it’s a bit depressing to be honest," she adds.

"I would like a boyfriend – but there are no decent men in England. That’s why I’ve become a DJ to travel and find some guys abroad! Are you single?" jokes Kate.

Perhaps I need my head examining, but in very English fashion I explain that although a night out in the Midlands with a bevy of glamorous girls sounds just dandy, I’m not sure I’m quite in their celebrity league.

But I might just have to venture down to say hello at Kate’s night headlining at the Manor Club in Chatham.

"I’m excited about playing in Chatham," she says. "I’ve got friends down there who will be coming to the gig. There will be some dirty house beats, so be prepared!"

Kate Lawler appears at the Manor Club, New Road, Chatham, on Saturday, March 17. Tickets £10. Box office 08070 2462050.

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