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Kent reacts to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

By: Joe Wright

Published: 19:22, 08 September 2022

Updated: 17:29, 09 September 2022

Floods of tributes from across the county have been paid to Her Majesty The Queen, who died today at the age of 96.

The monarch of 70 years - hailed as the "best-ever public servant" - passed away peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

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The county's MPs, councils, businesses and sports clubs are among those to join the thousands from across the world to pay tribute.

The new monarch, King Charles III, said: "The death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family.

"We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much- loved mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.


"During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which The Queen was so widely held."

In a lengthy statement, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said: "As we grieve together, we know that, in losing our beloved Queen, we have lost the person whose steadfast loyalty, service and humility has helped us make sense of who we are through decades of extraordinary change in our world, nation and society.

Flag at half mast at All Saints, Birling

"As deep as our grief runs, even deeper is our gratitude for Her Late Majesty's extraordinary dedication to the United Kingdom, her Realms and the Commonwealth."

The chairman of Kent County Council, Lesley Game, said: "Her Majesty’s life has been devoted to the service of her country and the Commonwealth as well as an abiding advocate of peace and the importance of nations working together.

“She has been our great constant. Throughout her 70-year reign, while every aspect of our lives has changed, her dedicated duty, her decency and her dignity have provided an unending source of stability, reassurance and comfort."

A book of condolence will soon be opened at County Hall.

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The Bishop of Dover, Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin, pays tribute to Her Majesty

Tracey Crouch MP said: "Her Majesty the Queen’s life was one of constant, devoted and selfless service to our nation and the Commonwealth, and to generations of her subjects.

"How blessed we are that she reigned over us.


"May she rest in peace."

A poignant scene at Buckingham Palace earlier today after the news of the Queen's death broke. Picture: Dessydee Maseko

Tom Tugendhat, the MP for Tonbridge and Malling, said: "I am deeply saddened at the passing of Her Majesty the Queen. I am sure this feeling is echoed across our nation, the Commonwealth and the whole world.

"I swore allegiance to Her Majesty as a solider and politician. I will be forever grateful of her incomparable service.

"Today is a momentous occasion in our shared history, one in which she has provided an unwavering example of duty and kindness. Her deep faith was a strength and pillar.

"My thoughts remain with the whole of the Royal Family.

"God Save The King."

Sittingbourne and Sheppey MP Gordon Henderson said: "I am shocked and saddened.

"My heart goes out to the royal family.

"I am sure I reflect the views of all my constituents when I say our beloved Queen will be missed enormously.

"She will never be replaced.

"She's been Queen for as long as most people can remember.

"It's a huge tragedy, not only for the country, but the Commonwealth and all those countries for whom she was the Queen.

"She will be sorely missed."

Rehman Chishti, MP for Gillingham & Rainham, added: "My thoughts, and I am sure those of my constituents, are with the King and the rest of the royal family.

"May Her Majesty rest in peace. Her dedication, commitment and selfless service to the nation remain an example to us all."

Gareth Johnson, MP for Dartford, said: "This is such an incredibly sad time for our town and our country. We have all dreaded this news coming for sometime.

"Quite simply, Her Majesty the Queen was the most respected and admired person on the planet.

"She was a constant source of stability throughout our lives and devoted everything she had to us. In so many ways she summed up all that is best about this country.

"I think it will take a long time to come to terms with no longer having her as our Queen. We will all miss her enormously."

In so many ways she summed up all that is best about this country

Greg Clark, MP for Tunbridge Wells, echoed the sentiments: "Her Majesty the Queen’s life was one of constant, devoted and selfless service to our nation and the Commonwealth, and to generations of her subjects. How blessed we are that she reigned over us. May she rest in peace."

Leader of Medway Council Cllr Alan Jarrett said: “Medway has been fortunate to welcome Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II during her reign, including to open the Royal Engineers Museum in Gillingham, to inaugurate the universities at Medway in Chatham with The Duke of Edinburgh, and to visit Brompton Barracks in Chatham as part of her role as Honorary Colonel-in-Chief to the Royal Engineers.

“We are proud of Medway’s connection with Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II and she will be deeply missed.

“The Queen will be remembered for her duty and devotion to the United Kingdom, and the Commonwealth, especially during times of change.”

Flags at the council's offices at Gun Wharf are being flown at half-mast.

Medway Labour leader Cllr Vince Maple said: "Like the vast majority of Medway residents, I have only ever known Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II as our head of state in my lifetime. She has served our nation with distinction and integrity underpinned by her sense of duty.

"This year here in Medway, as across the country, our communities came together to recognise and give thanks for her 70 years of service and dedication.

"As our Elizabethan era comes to an end, we can all honour the late Queen’s memory by valuing dedicated public service in our community.

"Our thoughts go to the Royal Family who have lost a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother."

The Mayor of Tonbridge and Malling, Cllr Sue Bell, has paid tribute, stating: "As a nation, we share their grief at the loss of a truly remarkable monarch whose spirit of public service never wavered and whose wisdom and warmth touched everyone she met."

Folkestone and Hythe District Council chairman Cllr Philip Martin said: "As our Queen she has been the rock on which the fortunes of this country have been built for so many years and we are thankful for her great devotion to public service which have characterised the whole of her life."

South Thanet MP Craig Mackinlay said in a tweet: "It is with the greatest of sadness to receive this news. Our monarch, our mother, grandmother, rock and light of our nation has passed."

Ben Fitter-Harding, the leader of Canterbury City Council said: "Whichever way the political wind blew and whatever crisis confronted them, her knowledge and experience helped the politicians of the time to overcome them.

"That was as true at the start of her reign as it was at the end.

"Politicians always hope history will look kindly on them one day…eventually. Her Majesty the Queen need not fear the same fate.”

Mayor of Gravesham, Cllr Peter Scollard , said: "Our longest reigning monarch, Her Majesty served the people of this Borough and this country with dedication, compassion and dignity."

Cllr John Burden, leader of Gravesham Borough Council, said: "Our Monarch plays a unique role in the government of our country, and the traditions and values Her Majesty represented are felt at all levels of that government, including here at borough level.

"Councillors strive to reflect those values and standards every day and in every way they represent local people.

"On behalf of all members of Gravesham Borough Council, I offer our sincerest condolences to our new King and the wider Royal Family."

'The Queen was known across the world for her strong sense of duty and commitment to serving the country and the Commonwealth...'

Cllr Simon Clark, Mayor of the Borough of Swale, said: “It is with enormous sadness that we learned of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and I would like to express our sincere condolences on behalf of Swale Borough Council and the people of the Borough of Swale to the entire Royal Family.

“The Queen was known across the world for her strong sense of duty and commitment to serving the country and the Commonwealth.

“Her Platinum Jubilee showed the respect and admiration we had for her tireless work, and as we mourn her passing we must reflect on how fortunate we have been to live through her reign.”

Books of Condolence are being opened at Swale House, Faversham Town Council Offices and Sheppey Gateway to allow people to pay their respects 10am to 4pm weekdays and 10am to midday on Saturdays.

Floral tributes will be laid at the war memorials in Sittingbourne, Sheerness and Faversham and, as a mark of respect, Civic and council events and meeting have been cancelled until after the funeral.

In Dartford, books of condolence will open at the Civic Centre and at Dartford Museum for people to sign in the coming days. Flowers will be laid at the bandstand in the town's Central Park.

Flowers laid at the Queen Elizabeth statue in Gravesend

A proclamation will be read out on the steps of Dartford Library by the Mayor of Dartford, Cllr Paul Cutler, two days after the announcement of The Queen’s death.

Dartford council leader Cllr Jeremy Kite said: “Like all of us, I am deeply saddened by The Queen’s passing.

“Her Majesty the Queen has been an inspiration and unifying figure, a witness to a world at times of great tragedy, conflict and upheaval and never once failed to provide stability and leadership.

"She led us into an age of hope and possibilities, her life encompassing so many technological and social changes which she embraced whenever it fuelled her lifelong duty to serve the country, Commonwealth and people she loved.

"Our country was blessed to have been guided by her, to have celebrated her achievements and milestones and to know she always her celebrate ours.

“There will be a time to look back fondly and remember everything that The Queen gave this country during her reign. For now let us all pay our respects as we mourn her loss.”

Rochester and Strood MP Kelly Tolhurst said: "As we mourn the death of our beloved Queen, and on behalf of everyone in Rochester & Strood, I wanted to pay tribute to the 70 glorious years of service that Her Majesty gave to our country.

"An inspiration to us all, The Queen embodied the ideals of duty and service - age did not deter her, and she kept her promise that her whole life would be devoted to serving her people.

"Her Majesty was always there to reassure in times of crises, rejoice at our country’s success, and lead the nation unfalteringly every year as we remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be free.

"In world history, there has been no better representative for our country who has so diligently served their people for so long with more dignity and grace than our Queen.

"I was honoured to meet The Queen during her visit to Brompton Barracks in 2016.

"My thoughts and prayers are with His Majesty The King and his family at this time of unimaginable anguish.

'We will remember her as a remarkable woman who has steadfastly represented our country with great pride'

"God save the King."

In a joint statement the Bishop of Rochester, Dr Jonathan Gibbs, the Bishop of Tonbridge, Simon Burton-Jones and the Dean of Rochester, Dr Phil Hesketh, prayed for the Queen, the royal family and the country.

They said: "It is with great sadness that we have learned today of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

"Our most sincere condolences, on behalf of the Diocese of Rochester, have been expressed to the Royal Family.

"The Queen’s long reign has offered stability and reassurance to the United Kingdom and beyond, and Her Majesty’s commitment and service both to the nation and the Commonwealth have been a source of constant encouragement.

"Her Majesty’s death will be deeply felt by many."

Her Majesty The Queen on her final RNLI engagement at St Ives Lifeboat Station on 17 May, 2013. Picture: RNLI/Nigel Millard

Throughout the Diocese of Rochester, church flags will fly at half-mast throughout the mourning period

The Mayor of Maidstone Cllr Derek Mortimer said: "It is with great sadness that we reflect on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

"This is an extremely sad time for the entire country as we mourn the death of The Queen after 70 years on the throne.

"We will remember her as a remarkable woman who has steadfastly represented our country with great pride and determination, and she will be greatly missed.

"Her Majesty worked tirelessly to carry out her Royal duties, helping to make our country even greater.

"On behalf of the Borough Council and the people of Maidstone I would like to send our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family at this sad time.”

'An inspiration to us all, The Queen embodied the ideals of duty and service'

A book of condolence is opening at the Town Hall, Jubilee Square, All Saints' Church to pay respects for a moment of privacy and reflection.

The books will be available daily from 9am to 6pm until the day after the funeral at 5pm for people to sign and send their messages to the Royal family. Once complete it will be sent to Buckingham Palace.

Flowers can be laid at Jubilee Square in Maidstone town centre and a church service will be held at All Saints Church which will be open to anyone who would like to attend. Dates and times will be announced later.

The flag on Maidstone Town Hall has been set at half-mast.

Elsewhere, the flags at Fort Amherst, Chatham will also fly at half-mast following the death of Her Majesty.

Bill Fowler, Chairman of the Fort's Heritage Trust, said the Queen's passing had "left quite a hole" in many people's lives and paid tribute to her service to the nation.

The flag at County Hall flies at half-mast for the Queen (59205522)

"The Queen has been central to life in this country for the whole of my life, as she has for others," he said. "She has been a constant in the life not just of Britain but the whole of the world."

The Queen dedicated 70 years as Patron of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).

Stations across Kent have paid tribute to Her Majesty.

A spokesman for Gravesend lifeboat station said: "On behalf of everyone at Gravesend RNLI, we send our heartfelt condolences to The Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A spokesman for Sheerness lifeboat station added: "Her Majesty’s support for our lifesavers - and our cause - will never be forgotten."

The Queen had been patron of the lifesaving charity since ascending to the throne following the death of her father King George VI in 1952 and was a much-loved member of the RNLI family.

A spokesman for Kent Showground and Kent County Agricultural Society said: "At present we are continuing to follow protocol following the Queen’s passing yesterday. Our flags are flying at half-mast as a sign of respect, and we are working with event organisers to make decisions regarding events being held at the Showground in the coming weeks."

A spokesman for the Royal Engineers Museum in Brompton said: "The museum is deeply saddened by the loss of HM the Queen and joins the nation in mourning her loss.

"Since the very start of her reign she has had a long and significant relationship with the Corps of Royal Engineers as their Colonel in Chief. We were privileged to have her visit and open the museum in its current location on May 20, 1987 and have been glad to play a part in her subsequent visits to the Royal School of Military Engineering, the last of which was in October 2016.

"Over the next few weeks the museum will be showing a simple display of pictures from her numerous visits to the Corps over the last 70 years. We will be closing on the day of her funeral, when announced, and remain open at our usual times until then."

Lord Mayor of Canterbury Cllr Anne Dekker said: "It is with an overwhelming sense of sadness that I express our very deepest and most sincere condolences to the Royal Family on behalf of everyone living, working and studying in the district.

The book of condolence for the Queen at County Hall in Maidstone

"This is a moment of intense grief but it is also a moment of celebration of a life dedicated to serving the people of this country and those of the Commonwealth.

"No woman was more roundly admired across the world as a symbol of unity, stability and resounding resilience in extremely turbulent times.

"Calmly, with steely determination and great wisdom she put the interests of the country before her own.

"Her dedication to duty knew no bounds and will act as an inspiration to us all in the years to come.

"Today our thoughts are with her closest family - her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - who are suffering such an enormous and very personal loss."

Leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Cllr Ben Chapelard said: "We send our most sincere condolences to the Royal family.

Cllr Derek Mortimer, Mayor of Maidstone, laying flowers for the Queen

"Her Majesty The Queen will be remembered for her dignity and her dedication to a life of service as Head of State of our country and the Commonwealth.

"It is remarkable to think of how much the world has changed during The Queen’s long reign. She has been a constant presence throughout my life. In times of national crisis her responses so perfectly matched the public mood; she united the nation."

Mayor Cllr Godfrey Bland added: "It is a sad day for us, for the country, and the Commonwealth, that our dearly loved Queen has passed away.

"For more than 70 years, and the first British monarch to achieve this extraordinary milestone, Her Majesty The Queen served her peoples with grace and dignity.

"She has been a constant figure in a changing world. The enormous crowds at her Platinum Jubilee celebrations were but a small indication of the love and respect we have felt for her.

"God bless you, Ma'am, and thank you."

Anyone wishing to lay flowers or a tribute to Her Majesty is invited to place them on the green on Civic Way in front of the Town Hall. A book of condolence is available to sign at The Amelia Scott in Mount Pleasant Rd.

A spokesman for Royal British Legion Industries in Aylesford – where the Queen visited in 2019 – said: "RBLI staff and veteran residents are going to be holding a small commemorative gathering this afternoon.

"We are also planning a more formal commemoration in the coming days."

Helen Grant, MP for Maidstone and the Weald, said: “The passing of Her Majesty has left me with a feeling of profound loss and sadness. Her leadership, diplomacy, dignity and unshakeable sense of duty to her country were a beacon of aspiration and an example for millions, both here and all around the world.

"I witnessed her grace, warmth and embracing smile when she visited 36 Engineers and the Queen’s Gurkha Engineers in Maidstone during my first year as the MP for Maidstone and The Weald. May she rest in peace and God Save King Charles III."

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