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The Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay is open for nominations for batonbearers until February 14, 2022

By: Lauren Abbott

Published: 12:02, 10 February 2022

Updated: 14:49, 10 February 2022

It's been 10 years since the people of Kent turned out in their thousands to watch the Olympic flame be carried through the county on its way to the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Where packed streets, a sea of Union flags and kiddies perched on the shoulders of adults greeted the relay team and its noisy convoy as it edged closer to the capital city and that momentous summer of sport.

Crowds in Gravesend turned out to see the torch and its procession come through

And now a decade on - a new and inspirational bunch of batonbearers are being sought to escort The Queen's baton across England ahead of this year's Commonwealth Games in an event organisers hope will be just as successful.

The Queen's Baton Relay will see 2,022 chosen people pass the Baton around England on the final leg of its journey across the Commonwealth and towards host city Birmingham.

Nominations for batonbearers are now open

Having left the UK in October, the Baton is currently on a mammoth tour of all 72 Commonwealth nations and territories.

It has already been carried through 19 African countries followed by stops in Pakistan, the Maldives, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and parts of South East Asia.

The Commonwealth Baton Relay, pictured here in the Maldives, has now started

In the coming weeks it will move to the Pacific Islands, followed by New Zealand and Australia before spending two months moving across the Caribbean and Americas before getting to Canada in May.


From there it will stop in Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man before the relay will take on a slightly extended journey through Scotland for five days, four in Northern Ireland, five in Wales before almost a month covering the length and breadth of England ahead of the games' Opening Ceremony.

The Baton has already travelled through Kenya

Organisers behind the mammoth relay event are now seeking people who are keen to take on the memorable experience of carrying the Queen's Baton through a part of England this July before the games, which are taking place between July 28 and August 8.

The Olympic Torch Relay took the flame around the world ahead of its arrival in London
Thousands turned out to see the Olympic torch makes its way through Kent

While the exact route the Baton and its relay will take across England has not yet been confirmed, organisers say they expect its extensive journey to cover every region and so are welcoming nominations from all corners of the country.

From people with unique or inspiring stories to those making a positive contribution to their country - anyone who will be aged 12 or over by June 2 can be put forward to be considered for a place on the route.

The Queen's Baton Relay 22 is open for nominations for batonbearers

And with more than 2,000 willing volunteers needed it is hoped a huge raft of nominations will flood in before the February 14 closing date.

Sports Minister Nigel Huddleston said: "The Queen’s Baton Relay marks the countdown to the biggest and most exciting sporting event in Birmingham’s history. Not only will the Commonwealth Games put the West Midlands on the global stage, it will showcase the UK’s expertise in hosting inspirational and inclusive international events.

"2022 is set to be an exciting year of celebration for our country with the Games and Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee taking place. The baton represents the start of this, and will travel through 72 Commonwealth nations and territories. I look forward to the relay connecting communities around the world and encouraging people to get involved in the Games, including the next generation of sporting heroes."

Read more!

After nominations have closed later this month a panel will sift through the names of those put forward, with successful batonbearers being contacted in April.

To nominate someone you know to join The Queen's Commonwealth Baton Relay this summer please click here.

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