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Possible sightings of missing teenager

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 00:00, 08 January 2007

Updated: 09:16, 08 January 2007

TERRY REYNOLDS: last seen wandering up Rochester's Star Hill
Police officers using a tracker dog in the search for Terry at the weekend at Coney Bank at Chatham. Picture: BARRY CRAYFORD
DET INSP MIKE MORGAN: keen to speak to a number of individuals in connection with the investigation
ANXIOUS WAIT: Terry's mother Jane has made appeals to the public for help

DETECTIVES searching for a teenager who went missing on New Year’s Day are investigating several potential sightings of him.

Terry Reynolds, 20, was last seen in Star Hill, Rochester, shortly after midnight on Monday, January 1.

Despite extensive searches using police dogs and helicopters, Mr Reynolds has yet to be found. Several people have contacted police with information and officers have now further extending their appeal.

Det Insp Mike Morgan said: "I am now keen to hear from a number of individuals who may be able to help us find Mr Reynolds.


"I would like to hear from a man fitting Terry’s description who was seen at 6.15am on New Year’s Day by the cemetery in Palmerstone Road, Chatham.

"He was wearing a light-coloured T-Shirt. I want to know if this was Terry or someone else, so we can eliminate them from our investigation.

"There was also a potential sighting on Terry’s birthday, on Saturday, January 6, when a man matching Mr Reynold’s description and wearing similar clothing to him was seen in Gillingham High Street at the junction with Canterbury Street. Once again we want to know if this was Terry or not."

Mr Morgan added: "We want to hear from a group of people using the cash point in Star Hill at around 12.15am on New Year’s Day. We know there were around 10 people there and we want them to come forward so we can find out if they have any useful information.

"Finally we are keen to hear from a group of around four people that were walking up Star Hill towards Rochester at 1.15am on New Year’s Day.

"One member of the group is described as being a well-built white male, wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a collar and another is thought to be a white woman in her 20s and of average build. She was wearing a light-coloured scarf with a black knee length coat."


There are plans for a police helicopter to once again search the Blue Bell Hill area near Chatham in a bid to locate Mr Reynolds. In the past Terry has attended that location and officers are keen to check hard-to-reach areas.

As a result of a media appeal officers were able to speak with three men who were seen to speak with Terry shortly before he went missing.

The men contacted police after recognising themselves from CCTV circulated at a press conference last Thursday, January 4. They have now been interviewed. It is not believed they were involved in Mr Reynold’s disappearance.

Last Saturday police officers handed out leaflets at the Casino Rooms in Rochester keen to speak with anyone who saw Terry on the evening he went missing. Saturday was Terry’s 20th Birthday.

Detectives are currently following up information from calls made by the public following media appeals by Terry’s mother and father.

His mother Jane Reynolds said of him: "Terry is lovely natured and there is no reason for him to go missing. He always rings to let us know where he is. This is so out of character."

A number of people have rung the special hotline number 01634 792492 and officers are following up reports of possible sightings of Terry in and around Chatham.

Terry is white, 5ft 11in tall, of medium build with blue eyes, short black-cropped hair and a tanned complexion.

When last seen he was wearing jeans and brown shoes. He was also wearing a blue and green Fred Perry jumper with a white stripe running across the shoulders and lower down across the waist.

If you have seen Terry or have any other information call the hotline number.

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