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Ruffled feathers as Jemima Carter's pet duck Bob sold by mistake in Upstreet

By: Danny Boyle

Published: 00:01, 13 September 2012

Jemima Carter is anxious for the return of her beloved duck Bob, pictured centre, after her dad Dominic sold her pet by mistake

Jemima Carter is anxious for the return of her beloved duck Bob, pictured centre, after her dad Dominic sold him by mistake

by Jan Thom

It is hardly surprising that if your name is Jemima, the chances are you will have a close affinity with ducks.

But for Jemima Carter, 13, her special relationship with Bob the duck can't be built on - because he was taken by mistake in a sales muddle.


Now the hunt is on to reunite Jemima with Bob, who is believed to be in the Chartham area.

Jemima watched over Bob as he hatched in an incubator and, as far as the beaky baby was concerned, Jemima was his mum and he would follow her wherever she went.

But with so many ducklings waddling around the garden of the Carter family home in Becketts Wood, Upstreet, it was decided to advertise some of them for sale – apart from precious Bob.

But as Jemima's dad Dominic explained, Bob disappeared in a genuine mix-up when a buyer came to collect two ducks when no one was at home.

Dominic said: "We placed an advert in SCATS in Canterbury, advertising the ducklings and a man came and bought two.

"He said his daughter had given him the money as a birthday present. But he arrived a day early to collect them and I had not had time to separate them, unfortunately he took Bob by mistake.


"Jemima was so upset and we have put notices in all the Chartham shops in the hope we can get him back as I think the man came from Chartham. I think he was retired and drove a blue people carrier.

"Jemima is so upset and we have tried everything we can think of to get him back - it was a genuine mistake but it's so upsetting for her."

To contact Mr Carter, phone 07545 386202.

Star the Shetland traveled in style to a show – in a black cab

Star the Shetland pony traveled in style to a show – in a black cab

So what does a girl do to take her mind off her missing pet duck – why she takes her pony to a show, of course.

But even this excursion for Jemima and her pony Star seemed doomed to failure when a promised lift in a horse box failed to materialise.

Dad Dominic came to the rescue after chatting to a sympathetic taxi driver on the way home from work one night.

Star, a two-year-old Shetland pony, is about the size of a medium dog so it wasn't too long before a plan was hatched to take the pint-sized pony to Marshside Riding Club summer show in some style – in the back of a black cab.

Mr Carter said: "The taxi driver used his disabled ramp and Star loaded beautifully into the back, accompanied by my wife Belinda and son Rory, nine.

"I was dreading any mishaps and worried about having to spend a fortune on valeting charges, but Star was the perfect passenger.

"Everyone at the show was very surprised to see a pony arrive by taxi."

Jemima and Star enjoyed a successful day taking part in the in-hand showing classes, winning three seconds and one third who was miffed to find that despite her winning ways, there was no cab home and she had to walk.

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