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Rum tribute to a friend

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:14, 22 November 2011

Johnny Depp. Picture: AP Photo/Chris Pizzello/PA Photos.

Johnny Depp becomes an incarnation of the young gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson in The Rum Diary. In a rare face-to-face interview, the Hollywood heart-throb opens up about his friendship with the late writer as Shereen Low reports.

For every big budget Pirates of the Caribbean-style blockbuster, Johnny Depp switches it up with a smaller movie that’s close to his heart.

With the fourth swashbuckling instalment, On Stranger Tides, still fresh in minds from its May release, one of Hollywood’s finest talents has chosen to follow it up with a role that may not be as instantly recognisable as Captain Jack Sparrow, but still has that power to grab attention on the big screen.

The Rum Diary, adapted from Hunter S. Thompson’s debut novel, holds a special place in Depp’s heart, because he was close friends with the author and gonzo journalist before his suicide in 2005.


“Johnny probably knew Hunter better than anyone else alive,” acknowledges the film’s director Bruce Robinson.

His intimate connection to the film is probably the reason why Depp – who stars in and co-produces the film – is giving rare one-to-one interviews.

“It’s been a long road, you know,” says the 48-year-old, stroking his goatee. “This whole thing commenced around 1997 with me and Hunter, and here we are in 2011 and it’s actually happening.”

Hunter Thompson, left and Johnny Depp at the premier of the film adaptation of Thompson's book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, in New York. Picture: AP Photo/Kathy Willens/PA Photos.

Depp has been the driving force behind the film, since his discovery of the book “by accident”. He recalls: “We were in Hunter’s house and there were these endless boxes of stuff. I started pulling things out and stumbled upon The Rum Diary.

“We started reading it and I told him to publish it. Within about 20 minutes we were already talking about the movie rights and how we should produce this film together.”

Tragically, that wasn’t to happen with Thompson’s passing – but Depp ensured his posthumous presence was felt constantly on set. A chair with Thompson’s name on it was on set each day, along with a script cover, ashtray, cigarettes, empty glass and a bottle of Chivas Regal whisky.

“We had to utilise all these elements to recognise Hunter, to salute him,” he explains. “Bruce and I would arrive on set every morning, pour the glass full with Chivas Regal, dunk our fingers in, maybe take a sip and get on with the day – just to make sure Hunter was there. And he was – every day, every second, every moment – for us.”


In the film loosely based on Thompson’s own experiences as a young journalist, Depp plays itinerant journalist Paul Kemp, who decides to swap the hustle and bustle of New York for Puerto Rico, in the film which also stars Aaron Eckhart, Giovanni Ribisi and Amber Heard.

Depp and Thompson’s unlikely bond cemented over the years and the actor soon found himself becoming road manager on one of the writer’s last book tours.

“The thing I initially connected with, in regard to Hunter’s work, was his honesty,” he reveals.

“You read about these amazing experiences and you think, 'That’s rubbish, it’s his imagination’ but when you’ve lived with and really spent time with him, as I have on the road, you realise it’s all true. You end up living the books.”

The release of The Rum Diary marks the fulfilment of Thompson’s final two wishes. One was to shoot his cremated ashes out of a cannon, while the other was to get the film made.

Amber Heard, left, and Johnny Depp in The Rum Diary. Picture: PA Photo/Organic Marketing

“When Hunter made his exit back in 2005, I had to focus my attention on getting his last wish ready – to load him into a bunch of giant bullets and shoot him into the sky out of a 153ft cannon,” says Depp.

“His other wish was to get The Rum Diary made and to get it out there. We’ve done that now and I feel all my commitments to Hunter are done.

“If Hunter was here today, we wouldn’t be in this room. Most likely, we’d be in a bar and he would be holding court. It would be on his terms,” he quips.

Extra time with Johnny Depp

:: John Christopher Depp II was born in Kentucky on June 9, 1963.

:: There was little rum drinking on the set of The Rum Diary: “I wish I could say that there was, but Bruce (Robinson, director) and I had made a pact to take a couple of months off.”

:: Depp’s life could also read like a book. Now a father-of-two and happily settled with French actress Vanessa Paradis, Depp had previously been engaged to Winona Ryder and dated Kate Moss.

:: His 12-year-old daughter Lily-Rose is a big fan of Justin Bieber.

:: Depp lives with his family at their four homes around the world, including a French vineyard and an island in the Bahamas.

To find local screenings for The Rum Diary, click here.

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