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Soap villain takes her turn as Bad Fairy

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:13, 12 December 2011

Glynis Barber as the Bad Fairy in Sleeping Beauty

The last two years of actress Glynis Barber’s life prove more than ever that fame is just a phone call away in the world of showbusiness. Chris Price caught up with the ex-EastEnders star.

It is fair to say Glynis Barber is somewhat bemused by all the fuss that has led to her bagging her first ever panto role. As the South African actress thinks about stepping out as the Bad Fairy in Sleeping Beauty, she chuckles to herself that it might never have happened.

Made famous as Sgt Harriet Makepeace in the British police drama Dempsey & Makepeace, the 56-year-old received a boost to her profile after landing the part of Glenda Mitchell in EastEnders.

Her portrayal of Ronnie and Roxie’s long-absent mother, who bedded Ian Beale and Phil Mitchell, earned her a nomination for Villain of the Year at the 2011 British Soap Awards. Her final episode in March was watched by 8.6 million people.


Then just as the dust was settling from Glenda’s Albert Square departure, the Tunbridge Wells Assembly Hall Theatre was on the phone asking her to appear in panto.

That bemused look returns as she recalls that moment, which was the culmination of a year of unexpected opportunities. She only landed the part of Glenda after The Gentle Touch actress and novelist Jill Gascoine withdrew from the role during her first day on set.

“It was a great opportunity,” said Glynis.

“Jill dropped out and I went in for an audition. They offered me the part on the way home and when I drove back I was given 25 pages of dialogue. I didn’t have a script and I went home at 5pm and spent the night learning these lines. I was back there at 6.30am the next day and I have no idea how I did it.

“I can’t remember anything about the first day as I had just so much to do. In a way it helped me because if I thought about it or knew too much, it would have been a bit daunting. I just did it on a need to know basis and I only had time to learn the scenes I was in, so I went in and just did it.”

Glynis Barber with Sleeping Beauty co-stars Christopher Beeny, left, from Upstairs Downstairs and Milkshake's Derek Moran

Despite her character’s scheming, Glynis proved to be a hit with the viewers. She has received lots of nice comments from fans of the soap but she is keen to point out that she has done a lot more than just EastEnders and Dempsey & Makepeace.

Her film credits include Michael Winner’s 1983 remake of The Wicked Lady and 1997’s Deja Vu. And on TV she has starred in Night and Day, Emmerdale and The Royal. She has just finished starring in Alan Ayckbourne’s play Season’s Greetings, her first foray on stage in five years.


“People have always been very nice,” she said. “Obviously Glenda is what a lot of people know me for now but I’ve been around long enough for people not to completely identify me with one role.

“Although Glenda wasn’t always very nice, I think viewers enjoyed her.

“I got a lot of positive feedback because people thought she was funny. I joined Twitter a little while ago and people tweet me lines that Glenda said. People actually remembered them and thought they were hilarious.”

"Uniquely British"

Despite this being her first foray into the pantomime world, Glynis thinks she is fully prepared for the old “it’s behind you” and “oh no it isn’t”. But she admitted the last panto she went to see was about 10 years ago, when her son was younger, to watch her Night and Day co-star Lesley Joseph in Snow White in Brighton.

“I’m looking forward to it,” said Glynis. “It is nice to do something new. I hear pantos are great fun to do.

“It is a wonderful tradition. It is magical for children and it is unique as Britain is the only place in the world that it’s done.

“It’s wonderful that it gets children into theatre. In this day and age when theatre’s struggle, pantos are always packed out.”

Glynis Barber stars alongside Milkshake! presenter Derek Moran in Sleeping Beauty at Tunbridge Wells’ Assembly Hall Theatre. Sleeping Beauty runs from Saturday, December 10, to Monday, January 2. Tickets from £15. Box office 01892 530613.

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