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The police commendations in full

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 00:00, 18 August 2011

Police on the beat

The commendations in full

1. The High Sheriff's Certificate of Merit is awarded to Police Staff Employee (PSE) Ian John-Lewis in recognition of outstanding professional conduct. Ian is a Detention Officer at Medway Police Station. Previous to his career with Kent Police, Ian was a successful and highly regarded professional boxer and has continued in this sport as a professional referee. Ian played a prominent role in Channel 4's recent 'Coppers' series where life in Medway's busy custody was presented. Ian's natural ability to engage professionally with detainees and work with his colleagues in carrying out their duties to keep people safe while in custody were highlighted in the programme.

2. Police Constable (PC) Christopher Fuller is awarded the Chief Constable's Certificate of Appreciation for his outstanding service to Kent Police. PC Fuller joined Kent Police in July 2001, having transferred from the Metropolitan Police Service. He spent his career at North Kent and went on to specialise within the traffic management team. In 2007, whilst working within this role, he discovered he had developed Parkinson's disease. PC Fuller remained positive, staying at work and showing immense courage by not only coming to terms with his own illness, but by helping others in becoming actively involved with Kent Police's disability support group, Crystal Clear. PC Fuller worked hard to ensure other colleagues affected by disability were supported in the workplace, and also took part in master classes for managers. On a number of occasions Chris travelled to other forces to promote good practice, acting as a true ambassador for the Force. PC Fuller has now retired from Kent Police as a result of his illness, but remains affiliated to Crystal Clear.

3/4. On the evening of 27 December 2009, one man was shot and another deliberately run over by a car in Quarry Road, Maidstone. The incident arose from a family feud. John Beale lived approximately 90 metres from the scene and witnessed part of it from his property. He was subsequently one of the first to arrive at the scene and found a man lying face up on the pavement with blood by his head, and a second man nearby. He administered first aid to both men and, having called for a towel, applied a tourniquet from this and a pair of leggings or tights. He then instructed someone else in trying to help these men alongside him. He also cleared the victim's mouth to allow resuscitation.


Mr Beale was then joined by another man, Michael Wright and it was he who commenced mouth to mouth resuscitation whilst Mr Beale administered chest compressions. Together they attempted to revive the man before being relieved by ambulance personnel. Regrettably, their attempts proved to be in vain as the man was pronounced dead at the scene. The second victim, who had been shot in the leg, survived the incident. CCTV shows that whilst these two men were attempting to save the life of the deceased, the scene around them was chaos with other family members of the injured men present who were hysterical. The offenders' whereabouts was unknown and a car which had been used by them was on fire down the street. Despite this, both men showed no regard for their own safety and were committed to helping save the life of another, and for this they have both been awarded a National Police Public Bravery Award.

5. The Chief Constable's Commendation is awarded to Kent County Council Community Warden Joanna Vos in recognition of her courage and professionalism. On Monday 31 January 2011, Joanna was preparing to run a youth club in the pavilion at Tenterden. A cctv operator observed an intoxicated man with a handgun and called police. Joanna saw the man and realising the potential threat to arrivals at the youth club, she intervened and spoke with him. She was aware he had a handgun but kept him engaged and out of the pavilion whilst armed officers made their way. The man told Joanna he wanted to be shot by police and despite this, she managed to keep him away from the youth club and relatively calm. The man then started to assault a young person and, fearing for their safety, Joanna restrained the offender. Officers attended and, following a violent struggle, he was arrested and an imitation firearm recovered. Were it not for the bravery and professionalism displayed by Joanna, this situation could have ended tragically.

6/7. Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Jodie Bryan is awarded the Chief Constable's Certificate of Merit for her determination, professionalism and commitment. Jodie assisted in organising 'Challenger Troop', an event which involved the armed services and ex services staff, putting together a programme of motivational, discipline and esteem building activities for children over the course of five days. Jodie committed her time to this project, joining in, camping out and getting to know the children. The initiative caught the interest of the BBC who followed the course with regular daily pieces on their news bulletins, with Jodie giving a number of interviews on the event. Kent Police has received a number of enquiries from other police forces wishing to arrange similar programmes. Jodie is congratulated on the success of this most worthwhile community project which is a credit to her and reflects the competent manner in which she conducts her work.

Police Community Support Officer and the Area's Joint Family Management Programme Officer, Brenda Keeble, is awarded the Chief Constable's Certificate of Merit for her determination, resilience and organisational skills. Brenda submitted a Business Plan to attain the funds for the Challenger Troop Programme, which was a scheme to engage young people in motivational, discipline and esteem building activities over a five day period. Those who attended were hand picked by PCSO Keeble in an attempt to improve their anti social behaviour within the Canterbury Policing Area and to date, has proved extremely successful, with no further complaints regarding those who attended. The initiative caught the interest of BBC South East and was monitored throughout the week where Brenda was interviewed on a number of occasions, presenting herself as extremely professional and reflecting well on the organisation.

8. Byron Dare is awarded the Chief Constable's Certificate of Merit for his courage and selfless deeds. On 31 July 2009, a fatal collision occurred on the coast bound carriageway of the M2. A man was travelling home to Broadstairs from work in London when his vehicle was hit by a car, which was involved in a race with another vehicle. The vehicle caught fire and Mr Dare stopped. With the assistance of others, and without regard for his own safety, Mr Dare attempted to rescue the man from the wreckage before the flames engulfed him and the car. Unfortunately, the man did not survive the incident. Both drivers of the cars which were racing received lengthy jail sentences and the victim's family have expressed their gratitude to those involved in trying to help the man.

9/10. Police Sergeant Simon Drew and PSE Dawn White are both awarded the Chief Constable's Certificate of Merit for their dedication and professionalism. On Friday 7 January 2011, a report was received at Dover front counter of an unconscious man outside Dover town council offices. On attendance, officers found a weak unsteady pulse on the unconscious, unresponsive man. Dawn White was asked to run back to the police station to bring the heart-start machine to the scene. Dawn ran back and was then accompanied by Sgt Drew with the equipment. Under direction from another officer, Sgt Drew commenced CPR as the man had stopped breathing and his heart stopped. Dawn White spoke to witnesses to get a full medical history of the man. Due to both the CPR and then administration of a drug overdose antidote, the man regained consciousness. Had it not been for their quick thinking, teamwork and perseverance with CPR, it is unlikely that the man would have survived.



Chief Constable's Commendation and Certificate of Merit's are awarded in relation to the following incident:-

On Saturday 16 April 2011, a woman, travelling with her 12 year old daughter and her daughter's friend, lost control of her car which ended up submerged in a lake at Ashford. A member of the public jumped in without regard for his own safety, and proceeded to look for any occupants of the vehicle. Two 12 year old children who managed to escape the car, and who undid the woman's seatbelt, surfaced and ran to get help. A member of the public called police. However, by chance, a police car was passing by and Police Constables Alex Milward and Ryan Duffy rapidly assessed the situation. After calling for assistance, PC Alex Milward removed his police kit and jumped into the lake. He identified the woman in the vehicle and set about moving the seat back to enable them to remove her from the car.

Within minutes, a further four officers arrived at the scene and, whilst PC Ryan Duffy commanded the incident from the bank, the five other officers were diving down into the water to assist with the operation. The water was dark and cold and officers were continually coming up for air. Kent Fire and Rescue Service attended and one of their officers, with no regard to his own safety, jumped into the lake with breathing equipment. After twenty minutes of the car being submerged, PC Milward freed the woman and she was brought up to the surface by PC Milward and the fire officer. She was then treated by an ambulance crew, who spent fifteen minutes resuscitating her before she started breathing. The woman, Phillipa O'Hara survived and is recovering.

Chief Constable awards to Mr Tim Burgess, the first person to dive into the lake; Miss Chloe Crockford and Miss Katie O'Hara, both twelve years old, for their courage and selflessness; and PCs Alex Milward, Ryan Duffy and Evan Potter in recognition of their professionalism.

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