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Waking up the county

By: Ray Edwards

Published: 09:01, 13 September 2012

kmfm breakfast show team, Rob Wilis and Emma Saint, in and around the Ship and Trades pub, Chatham Maritime

Kent’s biggest hits has just got bigger. Earlier this week kmfm launched its new breakfast show with Rob Wills and Emma Saint, Chris Price met up with radio’s new morning double act.

kmfm’s new breakfast co-host Emma Saint has never had such a busy few days. The petite presenter joined DJ Rob Wills for the prime-time slot this week and ever since it’s been non-stop work, photo shoots and interviews.

The two have taken it in their stride though and got to know each other very quickly, sitting down for lunch at the Ship and Trades in Chatham Maritime.

“I hate him,” joked a tanned Emma, 25, who has only just got back from a break in Turkey.


“I don’t want her on the show at all,” laughed Rob. “I don’t know where she would have ended up if we hadn’t given her a home.”

A fit of giggles follows, as the waitress appears. Emma orders a smoked mackerel salad, Rob cod and chips.

“I just like having a good time and entertaining people,” enthused Emma, who has joined kmfm from a station in the Midlands.

“If everyone else is having a good time and thinking their day is not so bad any more, then I’m having a good time too.

“Life is too short for everyone to get up and worry ‘I’ve got to go to work and take the kids to school’, so if I can make their half an hour drive to work better, then that’s all good.”

As Rob chats to his new co-host, there is an element of relief in his tone. He knows he has found the right person to keep building the audience he has grown by a couple of thousand listeners after just a few months in the job, presenting kmfm Breakfast.


Plus, Emma will keep Rob sane in the early hours.

Rob and Emma

“When you are getting up that early every morning, you have got to be able to hit it off straight away with the people around you,” said Rob, who is also 25. “When it is 5.30am and it’s cold and dark outside, you need someone in the studio...”

Emma jumps in.

“...who struts in wearing a onesie and says ‘wahay?’” The pair laugh.

“I like having a laugh and I need people in the studio who I am going to like,” said Rob.

“When you work in that close an environment you live and breathe that other person,” added Emma. “When I went on holiday, I missed my co-presenter on my old show.”

kmfm has not held back for the new breakfast pairing. In the opening fortnight they will give away tickets to see Lady Gaga in Barcelona, One Direction, Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Kelly Clarkson and Cheryl.

“It will be the biggest two weeks of radio this county will ever see,” said Whitstable-born Rob, who will also be making sure that Emma gets out and about exploring the county.

All week, kmfm listeners have been suggesting where they want the pair to visit on a roadshow next week, with the result announced on Friday, September 14. No matter what, Rob has promised to take Emma to the Ashford Outlet Centre, Bluewater and Westwood Cross, to satisfy her shopping cravings. Conversation flows over lunch, with a potential I’m A Celebrity-style challenge suggested.

“I’m very competitive,” said Emma. “I like to win. If there’s a competition or I’m up against someone, losing is not an option.”

Rob shrugs, as if perplexed.

“As you know, I’m in no way, shape or form competitive,” he said coyly. “But yes, I will beat her whatever we do and if I don’t win, I will sulk (or maybe cheat!).”

Get to know the real Rob and Emma

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Emma: Go for a wee.

Rob: So do I? Oh my God! I also check my email and Facebook.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Emma: “I’m really bad for breakfast. I eat what most people call lunch about five in the morning, then at about 9am I have another lunch and then I have my tea at about 2pm or 3pm. I have been known, when I come in, to have a full blown curry for breakfast at 5am. You’ve burnt it all off by the time you go home.”

Rob: “I don’t eat breakfast. I buy a lot of breakfast cereal but I put it in the bowl and then it goes soggy and I throw it away.”

What’s your worst nightmare?

Rob: “I used to have this one quite a lot as a kid where for some reason I don’t have any clothes on somewhere.”

Emma: “I used to be really scared of Freddy Krueger.”

What would be the one thing you take on a desert island?

Emma: “My dog but it’s not a real dog. It’s a toy dalmatian whose name is Scamp, who comes everywhere with me. He has got a little red jumper which has got Emma written on it.”

Rob: Probably my car. I would sleep in it. It would be my home. I drive a BMW and a Porsche.

What annoys you about your co-presenter already?

Emma: “I’d say it’s that you buy too many cars.”

Rob: “Your car is annoying. It’s a zebra car that has been painted and it says Little Zeb on the back of it. It’s horrendous. It looks so much like a zebra that zebras try to mate with it.”

Emma: “I wish that was true but I knew that would annoy you though because you like really nice cars.”

Rob: “Your would be nice if it didn’t have all that on it.”

Do you have any unusual ambitions?

Emma: “I’ve got a few. I would really like my zebra car to be put in a zoo with real zebras.

Rob: “That’s less of an ambition and more of a weird fantasy.”

Emma: “I suppose so. I would also like to do shark cage diving. I’ve got a physical list of things I would like to do before I die.”

Rob: “I want to make a comedy about all the stuff you don’t see in radio, a bit like Alan Partridge but better.”

What’s your favourite thing about your co-presenter?

(Both laugh) Emma: “I love your long pause Rob.”

Rob: “I think she is a good laugh. I wouldn’t want to be on air with someone who is boring, which is why I’m not on with Andy Walker [kmfm’s Drivetime presenter].”

Emma: “He’s the big friendly giant.”

What’s your favourite part of Kent?

Rob: “Whitstable because that’s where I’m from.”

Emma: “I’ve not seen enough of it yet but I cannot wait to get out and explore.”

What’s your most cherished childhood memory?

Emma: “I remember when I was about four at Butlins I saw a girl do a really good performance on stage and I said to my dad, I want to be a performer on stage, and the rest is history.”

Rob: “I sat on Phillip Schofield’s lap when I was five on holiday in Devon. It’s a weird memory that because I then went to see the Wurzels in concert.”

What’s your favourite TV show?

Rob: “Celebrity Juice.”

Emma: “That is good but I used to really like Bad Girls.”

What’s your favourite book?

Emma: “I’ve got a few. Fifty Shades of Grey I am not fond of. I’m halfway through the second one and I’ve left it neglected. I like the Dexter books.”

Rob: “The only book I have ever read is the Hobbit at school and it was terrible.”

kmfm Breakfast with Rob and Emma broadcasts from 5:30am to 9am, Monday to Friday on kmfm. Weekend Breakfast with Si Kennett is from 6am to 8am. Listen online at

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