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Ways to ensure crime-free Christmas

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:46, 01 December 2005

KENT Police is issuing a safety leaflet urging people to be extra vigilant in a bid to prevent criminals from spoiling the festive season.

The leaflet, Kent is a Safe County, is being distributed by Neighbourhood Watch groups, KCC Community Wardens and Police Community Support Officers, and will also be available from local police stations.

It contains useful tips and advice for shopping, storing gifts or travelling away for the Christmas holidays.

PC Mick Wright, Neighbourhood Watch liaison officer, says criminals will be on the lookout for any opportunity to help themselves at this time of year.


“The leaflet advises the community on how to take positive action and work with us to reduce crime during this active time for thieves. We want the festive season to be a happy one for everyone, and trust the leaflet will help reduce the chances of people becoming victims of crime.”

Out shopping:

*Pickpockets have more chances to steal from you when the shops are crowded, so stay alert and be extra careful with your wallet or purse.

* If you are heavily laden with shopping bags you may not notice someone trying to steal from you, so try to make several smaller shopping trips rather than do it all at once.

* Keep your purse or wallet close to your body, don't carry too much cash and always keep your pin number confidential. Keep your chequebook and card separately.

* Don’t leave presents or other valuables on view in your car, and try not to return to your car to leave purchases in the boot as thieves could be watching for just such a chance. Arrange to collect heavy items from stores when you have finished all your shopping.


* Try to park in a well-lit area or supervised car park.

* Beware of that bargain. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Don’t part with money until you are sure the source is genuine.

In the home:

* Don't make it easy for someone to steal from your home. Keep presents out of sight until last thing on Christmas Eve. If you 'hide' larger items such as bicycles in your shed or garage, make sure they are secure.

* Keep your windows and doors locked, and don’t leave car keys or handbags in sight.

* Write down the frame numbers of new cycles and the serial numbers of new electrical equipment. Remember, empty boxes left outside advertise that you have new goods inside, so dispose of packing carefully.

* If you go out for the evening, leave lights and the radio on to make it look as though you are home.

* If you go away for the holiday period, use an automatic timer to switch lights on when it gets dark, and ask a trusted neighbour to watch your home and take in your mail. Don't forget to cancel newspapers and milk if you have them delivered.

* Don’t open the door to strangers. Use a door chain and check out their identity first.

Out and about

* Festive celebrations mean that pubs and restaurants are often crowded, so be alert at all times. Don't leave bags over the back of your chair and keep wallets and purses close to your body.

* Make prior arrangements for getting home, and make sure someone knows where you are going and what time you will be back. Don't drink too much as you could become a target for thieves.

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