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Young People's Respect Awards - 2006 winners

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 14:53, 23 November 2006

Alan Dennington from Charlton FC presents Medway winners New Brompton College Mentoring Team with their award. PD*1119746
Chief Constable Mike Fuller presents the overall winner award to Swale Youth Strategy Group. PD*1119750
CRE8 UR Future News Group receive the East Kent award from Trevor Kennett. PD*1119748
Jacqueline Cassidy Jacqueline Cassidy of Kent People's Trust presents the South Kent award to Ashford Youth Forum. PD*1119749
Kent Messenger Group editorial director Simon Irwin presents Swale Youth Strategy Committee with a second award, this time the Mid Kent winner. PD*1119745
Steven Snell receives the North Kent winner award from Mike Hill of the Kent Police Authority. PD*1119743
The Young Womens' Project Group of West Kent receives the West Kent Award from Cllr Jeanne Harrison, Sheriff of Canterbury. PD*1119744

BELOW is a list of all the winners from this year's Kent Young People's Respect Awards.

The list is organised into sections, beginning with the overall winner and followed by prize details from the various county regions.

Click through the gallery above to see pictures from the awards ceremony, which was held at the Kent Police College in Maidstone.



All Kent Winner 2006

Swale Youth Strategy Committe - Jessica Tickle, Emma Palmer, Sandy Wardrop, Helen Baldock, Elizabeth Woolvett, Kate McNaboe, James Cross, Chris Self, Megan Cruickshanks, Alice Williams and Alex Warfe.

Lynn Logronio, youth action officer, Kent Safe Schools.

£500 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choice.

Chief Constable of Kent Police, Mike Fuller.

The group wrote a well written and cleverly designed document called the Swale Youth Strategy for 2006 - 2009 which was the culmination of a year's hard work. It was produced by 11 youngsters and has raised awareness of the concerns and aspirations of young people through workshops, widespread consultation and intensive study groups.


Their impressive and wide-ranging report looks at everything from weekly activities for youngsters to anti-social behaviour, from respect and understanding to healthy lifestyle choices.

They presented their report to representatives of various official bodies working with young people and they set up sub groups to work on achieving targets they set.

Their nominator paid tribute to their hard work and professionalism and said they were unstinting in the time and effort they gave for the good of their communities.

The reason the group were awarded All Kent winners was because of their thoroughness. They did not just look a the 'now' but they made recommendations for action and targets and time objectives, requesting police involvement in schools and youth projects by April 2008.

The aim is that their work can go on improving life for young people in future.




Swale Youth Strategy Committe - Jessica Tickle, Emma Palmer, Sandy Wardrop, Helen Baldock, Elizabeth Woolvett, Kate McNaboe, James Cross, Chris Self, Megan Cruickshanks, Alice Williams and Alex Warfe.

Lynn Logronio, youth action officer, Kent Safe Schools.

£200 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choice

Simon Irwin, editorial director, Kent Messenger Group


Staplehurst Skaters - Stephen Downton, Liam Harrison, Katie Harrison, Daniel Wilden, Phil Farmer, Jack Brown, James Philips, Tim Collins, Luke Heasman, Joshua Wilson and Alex Rawlings.

Ron Heggarty, local resident.

Commended certificates.

This is a group of young people living in Staplehurst who have been involved in fundraising for the provision of a skate park in the village.

They have taken part in various fairs, carnivals and bootfairs throughout the year and arranged a Garden Safari persuading many village residents to open their gardens to the public.

They have attended meetings and put forward their views, met with skateboard park equipment suppliers and discussed suitable equipment.

They placed grant applications before Maidstone Borough Council who acknowledged their vision and gave funds to begin construction of the skate park in Jubilee Sports Field, Staplehurst in September of this year.


Grove Green Youth Forum, for work supporting their community.


Joel Mason, from Maidstone, for his work as a mentor, for his fund-raising activities and the example he has set his peers.




Steven Snell from Swanscombe.

PCSO Lisa Breeze of Bluewater Police Station.

£200 Cummunity Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of his choosing; a trophy and certificate; ticket to a Charlton game; cinema ticket; goody bag.

Mike Hill of the Kent Police Authority.

Steven single handedly founded a youth forum with the express purpose of getting kids off the street in a tough area where anti-social behaviour is a huge problem.

He provides after school activities to Junior school children at Sweyne School. He works alongside groundworks and re-generation officers and helped clear a local heritage site which was neglected, ruined by grafitti and damaged by local youths.

He made successful bids for funding and organised all kinds of events, including a Big Brother-style contest for 150 youngsters.

PCSO Lisa Breeze said he is a forward-thinking individual who is dedicated to tackling the problems of anti-social behaviour in his area.

Highly Commended:

Gravesham Skate Park Committee - Adam Jeeves, Dave Pilbeam, Ashley Heel, Chris Henderson, Sam Whitewick, Joseph Payne, Peter Cruse, Rhys Thomas & James Ritchie.

Rob Jobe, area youth worker, Gravesham.

Highly Commended certifcates.

The committee spent a year or more raising thousands of pounds and showing commitment, reliability and huge amounts of hard work to establish a safe environment for skaters.

They have provided new signs, a running repair project and have filmed a safety DVD to be circulated around local schools.

They are promoting a positive image of young people in their dealings with local official bodies, e.g. by giving presentations of their plans for the skate park to the Borough and Parish councils and the North Kent Neighbourhood Watch Conference.

The group meet on a weekly basis with support from the local Detached Youth Workers.

Highly Commended:

St. Georges Church of England School - Luke Warren, Luke Heaver, Ben Gaut, Jemima Groom, Ade Davies, Keeley Stone, Verity Chick, Charlotte Rowley, Phil Olupitan, Dane Cornelissen, Lauren Jilians, Greg Ferris, Mark Wood, Raife Norman, Elliott Purdell, Olu Odubajo, Grace Akinfe, Taran Panasar, Melvin Mousa-King, Hayley Willis, Navraj Bains, Tamara Cabrera, Afolabi Alli, Lana Waine, Paul Harding.

Heather Chappell of Kent Police, Force Community Safety Officer, Partnerships and Crime Reduction.

Highly commended certificates.

The students produced a DVD as a joint project with Charlton Athletic Football Club. The DVD addressed the problems of young people and weapon crime.

They worked in their own time in dark and adverse weather conditions. The certificates will be given out at a school assembly.




Young Womens' Project Group of West Kent YWCA - Rebecca Turley, Celina Alpe, Charmaine Rose, Georgina Cogher-Adams, Jessica Martin, Leanne Reeves, Marie Jarrett, Roxanne Johnson, Sharon Saunders, Sheree Pennells and Tina Saunders.

Abbi Thacker of Connexions, Kent and Medway.

£200 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choosing; a trophy for the group and a certificate each; tickets to a Charlton game; cinema ticket; goody bag.

Cllr Jeanne Harrison, The Right Worshipful, Sheriff of Canterbury.

This is a group of young women who have made a powerful DVD warning of the dangers of spiked drinks and cigarettes.

They reseached the subject and were so horrified by what they discovered that they decided that young men and women should be warned.

They worked with a production company to make the film, which not only points out the dangers, it tells what to do should you become a victim.

The work will help young people across the county. Kent Police and Connexions will be using it in a Christmas Safety Campaign in every town across Kent and Medway. Junk TV are also entering the film in the Brighton Film Festival.


Taylor Rothwell of Borough Green.

Mike Taylor, manager and youth worker at the Borough Green Drop in Centre (Da Joint).

Commended certificate.

Taylor was one of many young people who were at a loose end on the streets of Borough Green who became regulars at the Joint.

He developed an awareness of his community and organised a fun run for the Tsunami appeal, he errects Christmas lights, and marshalls the event, he organised discos at the village hall, helped to paint and refurbish the Recreation Ground Pavillion and has joined the Borough Green Amateur Dramatics Group (Borograds).

He is learning that not only does the community have a responsiblity to young people, but the young have a responsibitiy to the community too.




Ashford Youth Forum, Crime Sub Group - Peter Stamp, Alan Stamp, Benn Phillips, Jacob Handley, Jack Clements, Christopher Dow, Louise McKeen.

PC Dave Archer ( on behalf of Carol Morton of Ashford Borough Council.

£200 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choice; a trophy for the group and a certificate each; tickets to a Charlton game; cinema tickets; goody bags.

Jacqueline Cassidy of Kent People's Trust.

This group produced a DVD and teaching package for schools to help with awareness of bullying and in particular the current trend of text bullying.

The students wrote that script, acted the parts and helped with the filming under the direction of Kent Police TV Unit.

The film not only identifies the problems but also gives advice to youngsters on how to help each other combat peer pressures. The Forum were asked to deliver their project to Ashford NHS Conference in October of this year.


Mike Muncer, James Payne, Victor Gurr, Sian Wood of Folkestone.

Alexa Kersting-Woods.

Commended certificates.

This group of pupils from Folkestone School for Girls and Harvey Grammar School worked with the Kent Fire Brigade on an educational project, aimed at reducing arson and anti-social behaviour.

The project including a film in which the group were actors, and had to endure very adverse weather conditions until 3am, and have even offered to go back for more.


Cheriton Outreach Project - Suresh Ranamager, Chitra Pun, Raul Gonzalez, Tittha Dura, Harry Kumar, Sujan Rai, Pradip Gurung, Sager Simkhada, Milan Simkhada, Henry Bray, Jordan Bray, Lewis Reed, Jack Shields, Xanthaus Andrews, Luke Sutton, Zidane Thapa, Tej Kumer Tulich, Bribek Coirale, Jamie Barrett, Andrew Wood, Ryan Mittes, Frazer McCloud, Josh Baker, Zack Leatham and Bednroy Gursey.

Clive Harris, CDRP Youth Worker, Shepway, Kent Youth Service.

Commended certificates.

This group is working hard to combat the problems of race discrimination and the public's perception of what some young people really do.

Over 150 young people have had some form of contact at the project since its start date in February this year, and an estimated 600 young people will have been contacted by April 2007, which is heading some way to achieving some of the desired outcomes of the Government's Respect Agenda.




New Brompton College Mentoring Team - Amy Allen, Samuel Anderson-Burrell, Thomas Badman, Kai Barron, Daniel Brown, Emily Burrows, Fern Dane, Ashleigh-Marie Elmer, Jennifer Foster, Stephen McCormack Gary Noakes, Andrew Preece, Luke Stockbridge, Bethany Weaver, Lisa Wildish, Callum Want, Virginia Willey.

Janet Harsent, school counsellor.

£200 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choosing; a trophy for the group and a certificate each; tickets to a Charlton Game; cinema ticket; goody bag.

Alan Dennington, Kent social inclusion manager for Charlton Athletic Football Club.

The team work as mentors to young or vulnerable pupils. They went to feeder schools in their area to reassure year 6 pupils before entering the wider world of senior school, and were able to identify those coming to the school who may need extra support.

Some of the team were trained in Mediation skills, which they used to tackle low-level bullying, relationship difficulties and other kinds of problems that can cause misery to young people if not dealt with effectively.

The staff at the school say they are approachable and friendly and an assett to the college.


Benjamin Turner, Strood.

Derek Smith.

Commended certificate.

Ben is one of the youngest Beaver Scout leaders in Kent. He is constantly working to improve the image of young people.

He became a Beaver Scout leader when the group had to close from lack of a leader. He wished to pass on the benefits and enjoyment he had had from scouting throughout his life.

He helped to refurbish the run down and dilapidated building, a differnece which is often commented on by local people as it has resulted in less vandalism, being more secure, and an increased use of the building.

Ben completed a Community Sports Leadership Award and coaches infant and primary school children after school as well as assisting with County Water Activities. He is an apprentice at the Kingsnorth Power Station.


Tom Mann, Strood.

Mrs Sue Turner.

Commended certificate.

Tom is an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader at 38th and 40th Strood Sea Scout Group.

He helps with County Water Activities for scouts of all ages to partake in canoeing, kayaking and sailing in lakes, rivers and open sea.

Tom aided in the refurbishment of the local Scout hut and this has resulted in the reduction of vandalism and grafitti in the grounds and the community appear to have more pride in it.

The group is now thriving having been previously closed for lack of leader and members.




CRE8 UR Future News Group - Thanet.

Toni Murray, Youth Inclusion Project.

£200 Community Grant from Kent People's Trust to go towards a project of their choice; a trophy for the group and a certificate each; tickets to a Charlton game; cinema tickets; goody bags.

Trevor Kennett, head of crime and anti-social behaviour reduction in the London Borough of Newham, a member of the Home Office Respect Task Force and community safety advisor to the 2012 Olympics.

This is a group of six young people who were recruited by Thanet's Youth Inclusion Project as young journalists to find a way to give young people a voice.

They were instrumental in providing 12 graffiti boards, which are installed across Thanet. They also tackled the huge issue of crime in general.

They sought the views of more that 1,000 schoolchildren and presented their findings to councillors and officials from Kent and Thanet authorities.

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