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Teenager admits killing dad of three with single punch in Maidstone

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 12:05, 28 March 2018

Updated: 13:16, 28 March 2018

A teenager is facing custody after admitting killing a dad-of-three with a single punch outside a fast food restaurant in Maidstone.

Maidstone Crown Court was packed with family and friends of victim Wayne Chester as the 17-year-old boy continued to deny murder but admitted manslaughter.

The plea was accepted by the prosecution.

Wayne Chester, 50, was killed with a single punch outside McDonald's

Judge Jeremy Carey apologised to those in the public gallery for adjourning sentence to April 30, but explained that the teenager had to be assessed for dangerousness and the risk of reoffending.

Mr Chester, who was 50, died from a head injury after he was attacked outside McDonald’s in Week Street in the late evening of Friday, September 29.

The victim, from Maidstone, was taken to a London hospital and put into an induced coma, but died the next day.

Wearing a green hoodie, the teenager, also from Maidstone, just nodded when identified in the dock and was told to answer by the judge.

Prosecutor Simon Taylor said there was CCTV footage of the tragic incident, which was “brief in duration”.

Told there were members of Mr Chester’s family in court, Judge Carey said: “It is very difficult for them. I must adjourn by law for a report in the case of young offenders. Even if he were not as young as he is it would be imperative for a report in a matter of this gravity.

“It is unsatisfactory for those who want finality. We will need to have has much information as possible. I can understand their frustration.

Funeral for Wayne Chester, a man killed in Week Street with a single punch

“It is perfectly justifiable on the part of those who are grieving when there is not finality in the Criminal Justice process which will never be satisfactory for the family in any event.

“The sentence, no matter how long it is, emollient words from a judge will go so far for what is a devastating event in their lives. The process is not satisfactory at all, but justice must take its course.

“There must be justice for the defendant. That is part of the Criminal Justice process.”

The judge added: “Now is not the time for me to make further observations about the case itself. That is better left to the sentencing hearing.

“Those who have come along today will undoubtedly leave with a sense of dissatisfaction when nothing much has been said, but it is not helpful to say one thing on one day and refresh it on another day.”

Judge Carey said he had read victim statements. “The court does not underestimate the impact of this matter or the impact to those who were close to the deceased and very much grieve his death.”

Wayne Chester

He told the teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons: that reports would be “directly relevant to the length of the custodial sentence which will inevitably be imposed upon you for your criminal wrongdoing”.

Mr Chester’s four siblings in December paid tribute to him as “a huge character with an even bigger heart”.

They said in a statement: "We haven't only lost a brother, we have lost our best friend and have a void in our hearts which can never be filled.

"Wayne knew so many people in Maidstone and had a huge network of friends. Everyone we speak with either who knew him personally or knew of someone that knew him.”

Speaking after today's hearing, Maidstone Chief Inspector Mick Gardner, said: "This was a tragic death of a man who had been on his way home after enjoying an evening out with friends.

"Mr Chester's death has had a profound and devastating impact on the lives of his family and friends and our thoughts are with his bereaved relatives who have assisted us throughout the investigation and trial process."

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