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Daniel Walden jailed for voyeurism and breaching court orders

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 17:22, 26 September 2018

Updated: 17:23, 26 September 2018

A teenager with "paedophilic tendencies" obtained material on the dark web while in custody awaiting sentence for a sex offence, a court heard.

Daniel Walden also researched how he could travel to countries where he could be intimate with children.

“That is how his mind is tuned in at the moment,” said prosecutor Ian Foinette.

Daniel Walden obtained material on the dark web while in custody awaiting sentence for a sex offence

“That it was discovered while on remand awaiting sentence is of considerable concern.”

A psychiatric report had been ordered on the 19-year-old after admitting voyeurism and repeatedly breaching sexual harm prevention orders (SHPO).


In the latest breach, Walden caused distress to a six-year-old boy by trying to film him in public toilets at Fremlin Walk shopping centre in Maidstone.

He was alarmed when an object with a hole in the middle came under his cubicle. He then heard strange banging and bashing noises from the cubicle next to him.

CCTV cameras recorded Walden leaving the area.

The boy told his mother what had happened and Walden was arrested nearby.

Daniel Walden was caught trying to film a boy in the toilets at Fremlin Walk shopping centre

The boy’s mother read out a victim impact statement in which she said he had been left disturbed and confused and would not use public toilets any more.

Maidstone Crown Court heard Walden was cautioned for exposure at his school at the age of 12 in August 2012.

His first conviction was in February 2016 after he approached children playing football in the street.


Prosecutor Ryan Richter said Walden deliberately kicked the ball to an isolated spot and then exposed himself and molested two boys.

A tag was fitted to monitor his location and police found him in a park playing football with younger children.

Three of them said he talked to them in a sexual way and tried to pull their trousers down and smack their bottoms.

Daniel Walden was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court

A large amount of condoms was found at his home.

A three-year youth rehabilitation order with conditions was made.

A sexual harm prevent order banned him from accessing the internet unless the history could displayed.

But in August last year he bought a mobile phone without seeking approval.

The following month he used a library computer and accessed indecent images of children.

His community order was revoked at Basildon Crown Court and he was sentenced to 12 months youth custody.

Walden, who has a hearing disability, appeared in court briefly, but then refused to remain.

Sentencing him to three years youth custody, Judge Philip St John-Stevens said a psychiatrist found the teenager was a danger because of his paedophilic tendencies, which he was candid about.

Judge Philip St John-Stevens said Walden's offences were of "great concern"

“That a young man of 19 has accumulated these convictions is of great concern to the court,” he said.

“The court has no doubt he poses a danger to others because of his paedophilic tendencies.

“There must be robust post-release conditions as a safeguard for the future.”

Walden, who had been living a a probation hostel in the town, was sentenced to three years for the SHPO breach and 12 months concurrent for voyeurism, the maximum term for which is two years.

A fresh SHPO was made indefinitely and Walden was banned from foreign travel for five years.

James Warren, defending, said the case would cause the court and general public great concern.

“What is clear is that he struggles with his urges,” he said.

“He is too honest for his own good sometimes.”

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