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Woman left with horrific facial injuries after McDonald's worker knocks her over at Parkwood Industrial Estate, Maidstone

By: Lynn Cox

Published: 06:00, 03 January 2020

Updated: 09:18, 03 January 2020

A young woman was left with horrific facial injuries after a man showing off on a stolen motorbike crashed into her sending her skidding along the pavement and into a kerb.

Abbie Fitz-Gerald was knocked down by Maidstone Services McDonald's worker George Ball, 21, who had never ridden a motorbike in his life.

George Ball

After he hit her, she lay unconscious bleeding from her head and Ball hid the motorbike in bushes and fled in his car.

Miss Fitz-Gerald's friends called an ambulance and she was taken to hospital where she received several stitches and spent the night. She was off work for three weeks.

Ball, of The Harbour, Sutton Valence, admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving and driving without insurance or a licence when he appeared in the magistrates' court.


He appeared in front of Judge Philip Statman at Maidstone Crown Court for sentencing on Tuesday, December 17.

Bridget Todd prosecuting told the court Miss Fitz-Gerald had been with friends on Bircholt Road, Parkwood Industrial Estate, on February 28.

"This night will remain with her forever. You left the scene with scant regard for your victim..." Judge Philip Statman

Ball was mucking about on a stolen KRS 125cc and was riding up and down the road at speed.

Ms Todd said: "He was showing off riding at speed and violently accelerating doing a number of laps with no helmet on or safety equipment. It was wet and there was poor visibility."

It was at this point Ball thought he saw the police and sped up, but then braked and lost control of the motorcycle and skidded along the road.

He hit another boy on the leg before clipping a vehicle and then slid into Miss Fitz-Gerald.

Ms Todd added: "The bike hit her from behind and lifted her off the floor and onto her face.


"Miss Fitz-Gerald skidded on the concrete because of the impact and only stopped at the kerb when her head hit it.

"She lay unconscious and blood was pouring from her head and face which was unrecognisable."

Ball then picked up the bike tried to hide it in some shrubbery and ran back to his car and sped away from the scene.

Miss Fitz-Gerald suffered a fractured eye socket, fractured cheek and cuts to her head which needed suturing. She also suffered other cuts and bruises and a sprained wrist.

Ball was interviewed in April and made full admissions and estimated he was travelling at about 40mph when the collision happened.

He added he panicked at the time which is why he fled the scene.

Caroline Knight defending told Judge Statman her client was full of remorse.

She added: "He had no idea it (the bike) was stolen. He thought it would be fun to go and ride it. It was a very bad choice to take and without doubt was a shameful episode.

"He didn't know how to ride a motorbike and had never ridden a motorbike before.

"He has a deep and genuine regret and is mortified the victim was seriously injured."

The court also heard Miss Fitz-Gerald became self-conscious about her injuries and had to change jobs as she had worked with children and thought they would be scared to see her face. She was left with no lasting scars.

Judge Statman said: "Both motorcycles and cars in the wrong hands can be absolutely lethal, that's why a test is so important.

"Your victim was profoundly affected by what you did to her. She found it deeply troubling, it was shocking for her.

"This night will remain with her forever. You left the scene with scant regard for your victim."

Ball was jailed for 14 months for the offence, but the term was suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to carry out 240 hours of unpaid work and was fined £250 for driving without insurance and £100 for driving without a licence (for a bike).

Ball was also ordered to pay his victim £364 compensation and was banned from driving for three years and will have to take an extended test if he wants to drive again.

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