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Ex-Gillingham goalkeeper Jim Stannard working for free at Maidstone United

By: Craig Tucker

Published: 06:00, 06 November 2020

Updated: 07:54, 06 November 2020

Former Gillingham goalkeeper Jim Stannard is working at Maidstone for free.

Stannard joined Hakan Hayrettin’s coaching staff in the summer after leaving Bromley following the Covid-19 outbreak.

Jim Stannard talks tactics with Maidstone manager Hakan Hayrettin Picture: Steve Terrell

He works closely with keepers Chris Lewington and Ravan Constable but also has Hayrettin’s ear on outfield matters, even taking the odd team-talk.

The 58-year-old is a key figure at the Gallagher Stadium and it speaks volumes of the man that he’s giving up his time for nothing to help Hayrettin and assistant Terry Harris.

On the downside, he could leave at any time should a new job come up, and having worked at Premier League and Championship level with Southampton and Crystal Palace respectively, he’d be clearly be an asset at plenty of clubs.


“Let’s make it clear, I’m not getting paid, I’m doing this for free,” said Stannard.

“I’m out of work so I come in here off my own back and help out.

“From that point of view it’s enjoyable. There’s no pressure on me because at any time I could leave and Hak knows that, but while I’m here I’ll try and help the boys as much as I can.

“I understand football, I’m a football person. It’s not just this club, many clubs are in this financial situation because of Covid and you have to understand that.

“It’s not like I’ve come here and said you’ve got to pay me, it’s not that at all.

“I’ve come here to help out, it’s not about the money.


"If something comes along, fantastic, if this club come along and say we can employ you, brilliant, but I’m enjoying helping out Hak and Terry.

Maidstone United goalkeeper Chris Lewington works closely with Jim Stannard Picture: Steve Terrell

“I’ve worked with Terry at Dagenham and known him a long time.

“He’s a very dedicated person, the same as Hak, and they both want to get the club promoted this year.

“It’s going to be a hard season but they’ve got a great group of lads here, a fantastic squad who work well for one another.

"Terry and Hak are good football people, the club’s in safe hands and I’m hoping they can push on and get promotion by the end of the season.”

Stannard was out of work after leaving Bromley, so the call from Hayrettin came at a good time.

It keeps him involved in football and it’s clear how highly the Stones boss values his input, which goes beyond goalkeeper coaching.

Stannard said: “Hak phoned and asked what I was up to and did I want to come in and do the keepers?

Ravan Constable is benefiting from Jim Stannard's experience Picture: Steve Terrell

“I didn’t want to sit at home doing nothing so I said I’d come in and do a couple of days a week for him.

“I did pre-season, then the games started and we’ve got off to a fantastic start.

“It’s nice to know Hak trusts my opinion because I do a few of the team-talks and some of the boys do listen.

“I’ve worked in the Premier League and the Championship with Southampton and Crystal Palace so I’ve got a lot of experience and, by having your say, you try and pass it on.

“At this level it’s immense because you can pass on so much information and, to be fair to the boys, they’ve been fantastic.

"I’ve had a lot of experience goalkeeping-wise but sometimes it goes beyond goalkeeping coaching because you can help out with other things.

“Sometimes I take some of the sessions, just a few passing drills, to help Terry out.”

Maidstone, third in National League South, visit Slough tomorrow.

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