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Rhodes fires: Eccles couple’s dream wedding nearly ruined by Greek blaze

By: Sean McPolin

Published: 05:00, 02 August 2023

Updated: 12:17, 02 August 2023

A salon owner’s dream wedding nearly went up in flames after part of Europe was ravished by fires last week.

Eccles couple Emily and Alan Martin were stuck in the middle of the horror blazes in Rhodes, Greece, last week as they and 38 others prepared to celebrate their special day.

Fire and smoke ravished Rhodes in Greece. Picture: Emily Martin
The Eccles couple and their wedding party were evacuated from their hotel late at night. Picture: Emily Martin

A late-night evacuation of their hotel resulted in them having to sleep on mattresses on the floor of a school miles away, leaving the pair’s big day in doubt.

Emily, 31, and Alan, 37, had arrived on the island on July 20 with their wedding just days away.

“When we first arrived in Rhodes we noticed a lot of smoke and could see it from our pool,” said Emily, who owns Newman’s Hair Culture in Rainham.


“The staff didn’t tell us anything. We knew there was a fire but didn’t know how bad it was.

“One evening, close to midnight, there was thick bits of ash landing on our skin, the floor… everywhere.

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Emily and Alan, as well as some of their friends, had to sleep on the floor of a local school. Picture: Emily Martin
The newlyweds had an uncomfortable sleep before their big day. Picture: Emily Martin

“All of a sudden we all got the government alert on our phones and were told to get our passports and leave the hotel as soon as possible.

“I got onto a coach with my husband and we were separated from my family who were staying at the hotel next to us.

“At around 2.30am we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere at a school and given a mattress and told that’s where we were sleeping that night.”

“After hours of worry, panic and trying to call easyJet we met two lovely ladies who explained the emergency accommodation was nothing to do with them and it was set up by locals.

“The locals got us food and anything we needed.

The wedding party kept smiling despite the disappointments. Picture: Emily Martin

“They were unbelievably kind. I’ve not experienced anything like it in circumstances where they weren't sure what was going on.


“It's their island, they have their families and their own concerns about their safety but they helped us.

“We clubbed together to give them some money but they wouldn't accept it from us.

“We never ever expect to go through something like this while booking a holiday with a 38-strong wedding party.

“The devastation it’s caused the locals is crazy.

Despite all the fires and evacuations, the duo celebrated their special day with friends and family. Picture: Emily Martin
The wedding went ahead despite the horror fires. Picture: Emily Martin

“There are no words to describe how all of us felt or the emotions we went through. We were scared and had no idea what was going to happen.”

After managing to get some sleep, Emily, Alan and some of their friends who were later relocated to the school decided to try and find a way back to their hotel.

And with some luck they found a taxi driver who had navigated the roads and damage and was willing to take them.

The following morning, the day of the wedding, there were still question marks about whether or not it could all go ahead.

But Emily was assured by her wedding planner they would march on and deliver her special day.

Thick black ash was coming from the sky during the blazes. Picture: Emily Martin

She said: “We found out at 8am the wedding would be going ahead, which was amazing as we really didn't think it would happen.

“While we were getting ready we found out our videographer couldn't make it because of the fires and the village, so all the guests clubbed together and took photos of the day.

“During the ceremony a fire actually did break out in our hotel and when we were signing documents one of them flew into the sea - you couldn't write it, but it was the most special day to us ever.”

In the end the pair managed to get their special day, at an island close to their hearts as it was their first holiday together.

Emily added: “It was amazing really we managed to get the wedding done and all our guests and family were with us to celebrate.

Grey smoked filled the sky in Rhodes. Picture: Emily Martin
The pair and their 38 strong wedding party celebrated the big day. Picture: Emily Martin

“It's something myself and husband will never forget.”

Emily is planning to start a fundraiser at her business in Station Road to give something back to the island and its people.

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