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Medway Council reject retirement village designs compared to army barracks in Cliffe Woods near Strood

By: Matt Leclere

Published: 17:12, 01 October 2020

Updated: 17:18, 01 October 2020

Retirement village designs which were compared to looking like an army barracks have been thrown out by councillors.

The controversial scheme for the 50 homes in Cliffe Woods were rejected by Medway councillors as developers were told to go back to the drawing board.

The retirement homes complex proposed for Cliffe Woods was turned down by Medway Council. Picture: Graham Simpkin Planning/SJP Group

Finer details relating to the appearance and layout of the development, which was approved by appeal after initially being refused by the council in November 2017, were brought before the authority's planning committee.

Planning officers recommended the plans in View Road for refusal saying the complex should be "more landscape led" because of the site being on the edge of the village.

Cllr Chris Buckwell (Con) said: "We've heard the use of the word block and that was exactly how the plan strikes me – blocks.


"It almost has a barracks feel about it so I fully understand the officers' concerns."

The council's planning manager Carly Stoddart said officers felt the designs of the buildings were "relentless" and were unacceptable after being "pushed to the edge of the site" preventing any "meaningful landscaping".

The retirement scheme planned for land off View Road, Cliffe Woods has been criticised by councillors, planning officers and residents

Committee vice-chairman Cllr Stuart Tranter (Con) said: "I personally struggle to have a problem with this application.

"I would assume the residents would have a beautiful view on the other side of their properties on the countryside rather than a car park.

"I think it provides a great deal of much needed housing for older residents.

"It's not a retirement home, these are just residences more suited to older folk."

Strood Rural ward councillors Cllr Elizabeth Turpin and Cllr John Williams (both Con) issued a joint statement explaining objections.


"We find ourselves back here considering this application which was previously refused," Cllr Turpin said.

Councillors voted to throw out the designs and have sent developers back to the drawing board

"It was not wanted then and is not wanted now."

Cllr Turpin said the designs were unacceptable because of the size of the blocks and proximity to neighbouring homes in Englefield Crescent.

She added there was a lack of parking spaces for the development's size which would cause congestion and "overspill parking" on View Road.

Both councillors explained they felt the development proposed "is out of character" with the area which had been raised by "numerous residents with objections".

Ward councillor and committee member Cllr Gary Etheridge (Con) said the development needed to be "completely redesigned" which he described as "totally inappropriate".

"Something more sinister comes to mind when I look at this.

Cllr Chris Buckwell, Medway Council, compared the plans to being like army barracks

"Who wants the bedroom against a car park with a car belching its fumes."

When the plans were submitted, residents reacting angrily to the designs with one comparing them to being like a prison .

One responding to the consultation said the loss of privacy would mean “losing an uninterrupted view across a field and reservoir, to be exchanged with the delightful sight of Mrs Biggins washing her undies”.

The vote saw the proposals refused by nine to two.

Earlier in the meeting, councillors approved a scheme for 225 new homes off Town Road on the western side of the village.

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