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Drug dealer Ahmed Mohamed jailed for eight years for raping vulnerable 17-year-old girl in his car in Walderslade, Chatham

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 00:00, 12 December 2014

Updated: 10:16, 12 December 2014

A drug dealer who lured a teenage girl to his car and then viciously raped her has been jailed for eight years.

After the attack in Chatham Ahmed Mohamed tossed the victim a bag of cannabis and callously told her: “Here, have that. You don’t have to pay, you have already paid.”

Under an extended sentence for public protection, the 25-year-old pervert - who has previous convictions for sex attacks - will have to serve two thirds of the term before being considered for parole.

Ahmed Mohamed has been jailed for rape

At the end of the eight years he will be on licence for a further six years.

A judge told Mohamed, of O’Neill Path, Woolwich, south east London: “You are quite simply a sexual predator.”


Maidstone Crown Court heard the girl, aged 17, had been going through a bad patch, having just parted from the father of her child. She was depressed and self-harming.

In May last year she posted on Facebook asking if anybody would “tick” her - supply cannabis on credit - until the next day.

The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court

Calling himself Lee Dean, Mohamed replied and arranged to meet her at Morrison’s car park in Walderslade. She took a male friend with her and they met Mohamed in Swallow Rise.

Prosecutor Alexia Zimbler said the girl sat in the front passenger seat of Mohamed’s Vauxhall Corsa and they talked about drugs.

She told him she needed to be quick, but Mohamed gave the friend a couple of joints, locked the car doors and “took off”.

“She was very frightened and concerned,” said Miss Zimbler. “He drove up a dead end and parked close to a wall so that she couldn’t open her door.

“He climbed on top of her and lowered her seat. She tried to sit up but he pushed her back down. He put his hand into her leggings and underwear.


“She was telling him to stop and said she didn’t want to have sex with him.”

"She has expressed the almost predictable consequences of that attack. She puts it in the graphic phrase that it has destroyed her life..." - Recorder David Jeremy QC

With loud music playing in the car, Mohammed pulled down her leggings and raped her as she struggled and begged him to stop. He didn’t use a condom.

Afterwards, he asked if she was a virgin and told her as she sobbed: “It’s OK.”

He gave her the drugs and said he would see her the following week. She got out of the car and ran off. He tried to contact her but she did not respond.

Miss Zimbler said Mohamed was traced seven weeks later as a result of samples being taken from the victim and matched to the police database.

He was sentenced to 18 months detention and training in 2007 for two separate stranger sex attacks on women when he was 16.

Recorder David Jeremy QC said of Mohamed giving the teenager cannabis and telling her she had earned: “It just about sums up your attitude to that girl.”

He added: “She has expressed the almost predictable consequences of that attack. She puts it in the graphic phrase that it has destroyed her life.

“There is no doubt you responded to Facebook messages with a view to meeting the girl and raping her. You planned it and you did it.”

Mohamed will be on the sex offenders’ register for life. A sexual offences prevention order was made and he will be barred from working with children or vulnerable adults.

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