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Medway Labour councillor joins pro-Palestine protesters calling for Israel-Gaza ceasefire outside council meeting

By: Robert Boddy, Local Democracy Reporter

Published: 14:47, 31 January 2024

A councillor who stood with pro-ceasefire supporters before a council meeting has said the government should support Palestine in the same way it does Ukraine.

Cllr Satinder Shokar, a Labour member of Medway Council, was among Medway Palestine Solidarity Campaign (MPSC) protesters who chanted slogans and asked councillors as they arrived to support an immediate truce to the conflict in Gaza.

Medway Palestine Solidarity Campaign (MPSC) protestors chanted slogans and asked councillors as they arrived to support a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict

When contacted for comment on his involvement in the protest, Cllr Shokar said he had been involved with MPSC for many years.

He also said Palestine should be given the same level of support Ukraine was following its invasion by Russia in February 2022.

Cllr Shokar said: “The horrors of recent months in Israel and Gaza have been intolerable for me.


“I have been part of the local Palestine Solidarity Campaign demanding for an immediate ceasefire, unconditional humanitarian aid and a two-state solution.

“What I've witnessed so far is the inaction of governments, which has led to mass deaths.

Medway Councillor Satinder Shokar (Lab) believes the UK government should support Palestine as it does Ukraine

“We just have to look at their actions for the Ukrainians, to see the difference they can make.

“The same level of solidarity and action must be given to the Palestinians."

Cllr Shokar, who was elected to Medway Council in May last year for the first time, said he would continue to put pressure on the UK government and the Labour Party "to action this".

“With God's grace we'll have peace on Earth one day," he added.

Ahead of the meeting, Medway’s Conservative group called on the leadership of the council to urge the MPSC to call off the protest, saying it was inappropriate due to the Holocaust Memorial Day taking place on the Saturday (January 27).


Some members of the Labour group have been accused of going quiet on the issue after previously showing support for a free Palestine.

The Labour group released a statement on October 17 following the Hamas attack on October 7 but have chosen not to comment since.

In December, there was also an MPSC protest at a cabinet meeting which saw chanting outside before shouts of “Shame on you!” during the proceedings.

Speaking after the full council meeting last Wednesday (January 24), council leader Vince Maple said the Labour group was sticking to the national line regarding the conflict.

He said: “We’re very clear, we’re supportive of the national Labour party position, we did put out a statement very early on in the conflict.

“My priority first and foremost is making sure there is cohesive community activity happening.

“We heard from a member of Medway Interfaith Action at the start of tonight’s council meeting, I’ve been really pleased to be working closely with them and others to make sure that we don’t see an increase in Islamophobia, we don’t see an increase in anti-Semitism.

“We want to make sure our unity is kept strong here in Medway and as council leader I will continue to do that.”

When asked if he would be speaking with Cllr Shokar about his involvement in the protest, Cllr Maple added: “We won’t talk about individual cases here on the media but we will, of course, look at all matters regarding the Labour group in due process within the Labour party rulebook.”

A statement from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) released yesterday said:

“The UK’s position is clear: Gaza is occupied Palestinian territory and will be part of the future Palestinian state.

“Settlements are illegal. No Palestinian should be threatened with forcible displacement or relocation.”


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