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Gillingham and Rainham MP Rehman Chishti in running to be next Tory Party leader

By: Steve Waite

Published: 07:20, 11 July 2022

Updated: 16:23, 11 July 2022

A Kent MP has confirmed he is to throw his hat into the ring to become the next Tory leader and Prime Minister.

Gillingham and Rainham's Rehman Chishti tweeted last night to say he intended to be a candidate for the top job, following the resignation of Boris Johnson.

Rehman Chishti launches his leadership bid

The former Medway councillor, who was first elected to Westminster in 2010, is a vice chairman of the party.

He tweeted: "I’m standing to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister. For me it’s about aspirational conservatism, fresh ideas, fresh team for a fresh start taking our great country forward."


His campaign was accompanied by a social media video outlining his vision. Meanwhile, this morning he shared a New Statesman article from 2011 about what he referred to as "Rehman’s Leadership" on "The best of their generation, the 20 MPs under 40 who have what it takes”.

Mr Chishti is the second Kent MP to confirm his ambition to be the new leader, after Tonbridge and Malling MP Tom Tugendhat made an early declaration of his intention to run.

Home Secretary Liz Truss has also started her bid for the top job, bringing the total number of candidates so far to 11.

Speaking to PoliticsHome last week, Mr Chishti said the country needed a leader "who best reflects modern Britain".

He added: "As someone who came to our great country at the age of six not speaking a word of English, first in the family to go to university and qualify as a barrister at 24, and a Conservative MP for the past 12 years, our country is a land of opportunity for all and I want every one to get the best chance in life.

"In the coming days I will be reflecting on how best I can serve our country with my own experience and background.

"Our country and party needs new ideas and fresh leadership."

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Gillingham and Rainham residents reacted to news MP Rehman Chishti could make a move to be the new Prime Minister. Picture: ParliamentTV

After news of the Kent MP's possible bid to be Prime Minister broke last week, social media and his constituents reacted, with some questioning whether he is the right man for the job.


Former Labour councillor Mr Chishti defected to the Conservative Party in 2006 having stood in the 2005 General Election against Francis Maude.

Just 27 at the time he was a ward councillor for the opposition for Gillingham North.

Medway Labour leader Cllr Vince Maple, who represents Chatham ward, says families across the Towns have lost trust in politics after recent Tory rule.

He said: “Frankly the beauty contest currently ongoing in the Conservative Party doesn’t help families across Medway who are currently struggling with the cost of living crisis or who have lost trust in politics because of the current law breaking, liar in chief Boris Johnson.

How we reported on Rehman Chishti back in 1997 (57891324)

"The Prime Minister that Medway and the country needs is Keir Starmer.”

Mr Chishti has always had high hopes when it comes to politics.

Back in 1997, he spoke to the KM Media Group.

Although he didn't have his eye on Number 10 at that point, he did reveal his ambition to be Britain's first Asian cabinet minister.

In the 25 years since, that landmark has been reached by many others.

We spoke to people in Rainham about his bid

Then 19, Mr Chishti was studying law at the University of Wales and aimed to become a barrister, which he did.

He was officer without portfolio for the National Union of Students' Executive for Wales and ethnic minorities officer for Gillingham Labour.

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