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Thug George Chidu jailed after aiming kickboxing kick and punches at girlfriend in Gillingham

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 12:00, 19 August 2016

Updated: 12:03, 19 August 2016

A thug used his kickboxing skills to launch a terrifying attack on his girlfriend in which he broke her nose and caused other injuries.

George Chidu executed a barefoot “roundhouse kick” on Tanya-Marie Cass’s head, leaving her dazed and injured.

The victim desperately tried to hide from the 27-year-old Romanian, fleeing to the bathroom, where she called 999 and shouted for help, Maidstone Crown Court was told.

Ceorge Chidu was jailed after a kickboxing attack on girlfriend. Picture: Kent Police

But as she did so Chidu battered her face with punches. As well as a fractured nose, she had swelling and bruising to her face.

The couple had only been in a relationship for six weeks, during which Chidu became jealous and warned her not to cheat on him.


Chidu, an assistant manager with Redrow Homes who came to the UK at the age of 18, was jailed for 20 months after admitting inflicting grievous bodily harm.

His not guilty plea to causing grievous bodily harm with intent was accepted by the prosecution.

The court heard he snapped at his home in Corporation Street, Gillingham, on June 9 after they had downed two bottles of wine.

Prosecutor Craig Evans said Chidu “flipped” and punched Miss Cass in the mouth - a blow she was to describe as “a proper jab”.

“He then kicked her using his right leg to the back of her head,” said Mr Evans. “She described it as a roundhouse kick.”

The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court

After catching her calling the police Chidu, said to have given up kickboxing because of an injury, unleashed punches to her face. She tried to strike back at him. But he punched her again.

“She felt her nose was injured and there was significant blood around the bathroom,” said Mr Evans.


He suddenly stopped hitting her. Miss Cass told police it was almost as though he had come to his senses and realised what he had done.

Passing sentence, Judge Charles Macdonald QC branded the offence “an ugly piece of domestic violence”.

He added: “You set about giving her a severe beating. It was of some duration and she was pursued into the lavatory where she was further punched repeatedly.

“There was also a kick with a barefoot. She was effectively defenceless and there was little, if any, provocation.”

"You set about giving her a severe beating. It was of some duration and she was pursued into the lavatory where she was further punched repeatedly" - Judge Charles Macdonald QC

Miss Cass’ victim impact statement was “significant and understandable”.

Judge Macdonald said although Chidu had a previously clean criminal record and worked hard and was successful, he had shown limited insight and remorse.

Paul Hogben, defending, said Chidu had been drinking when he committed the offence after hearing that his father was ill in Romania.

He came to the conclusion he and Miss Cass were incompatible.

Chidu, who declared he was “in love with England”, was due to start a managerial course paid for by his employer. He supported his sister’s education financially in Romania.

“He has acted totally out of character,” said Mr Hogben. “He has forged a career he is now in jeopardy of losing. He has never claimed benefits and never been a drain on society.

“He is a young man of quality and this may be viewed as a potential turning point in his life.”

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