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Rochester Castle grounds closed as parties and illegal gatherings as police and Medway Council impose Covid-19 rules

By: Matt Leclere

Published: 10:23, 27 July 2020

Updated: 14:21, 27 July 2020

Castle grounds will be closed to the public after a spike in anti-social gatherings and illegal parties.

Revellers partying in the gardens around Rochester Castle have been told to "get a grip" after larger groups were spotted blaring loud music and not following social distancing rules.

The gardens at Rochester Castle will be closed every evening after a spike of anti-social parties and gatherings. Picture: David Mathias

The move to close the castle grounds in the evenings every day of the week has come following discussions between the police and Medway Council.

Gates at the historic site will be locked from 5pm and security patrols stepped up.

Police were called on Saturday, July 18 to reports of a group of about 100 people blasting out music and partying into the night.


Officers attended at about 10.50pm and found there had not been a mass unlicensed event taking place but did disperse several groups who had been playing music.

A dispersal order was imposed throughout the area last weekend with increased police patrols and greater powers to arrest anyone ignoring the rules.

Gates to the castle's grounds will be shut at 5pm in a move agreed between Medway Council and the police

People have now been told to realise the severity of gathering in large groups increases the risk of spreading Covid-19.

Ward councillor Stuart Tranter (Con) said: "The majority of people of all ages take it very seriously, but it seems a significant few think they are different. It is beyond words. Over 45,000 people have died in this country and a second major pandemic wave is an avoidable risk.

"Please, get a grip. You may not know you carry the virus. Perhaps you do not worry about your own health, but your behaviour could result in other people losing their life.

"The council and police really want to see life safely start to return to normal, but this activity now means everyone will be inconvenienced.

"Most people understand the threat remains and have been brilliant; but for some they do not seem to care.


"It seems alcohol and social distancing do not go together well, so I have suggested bars do not stay open too late.

Cllr Stuart Tranter urged people meeting in large groups in Rochester to 'get a grip'. Picture: Medway Council

"Although the primary concern is Covid-19 related, frankly loud music until the early hours, disturbances, rubbish and graffiti are also part of the problem in Rochester."

The increased security patrols have been commissioned as an additional cost for taxpayers but the council has not revealed exactly how much will be spent.

Cllr Tranter said it was "terrible" public spending had to be used to bring in private security to ensure the grounds were guarded. He added there had also been incidents along the Esplanade.

Dawn Hudd, assistant director of physical and cultural regeneration at Medway Council, said: “Whilst we appreciate Rochester Castle gardens are a nice place to meet with family and friends, unfortunately a minority of people have been causing anti-social behaviour of an evening in the grounds.

"The safety and wellbeing of all our residents is our top priority and after being made aware of the concerns, including a large gathering and loud music being played, we have taken the decision to close the grounds at 5pm each day.

"We have also arranged for regular security patrols to be carried out through the grounds and are also working closely with Kent Police to help prevent further incidents.

A dispersal order was imposed by police for the area around Rochester's historic town centre including the castle over the weekend

"The grounds will remain open during the day for residents to enjoy and we would encourage everyone to continue following social distancing guidelines.”

Insp Mat Burbeck, of the Kent Police Medway Community Safety Unit, added: "We fully recognise that antisocial behaviour, caused by a small number of people, can have a disproportionate impact on affected communities and in response we have worked with our colleagues in Medway Council to prevent further incidents."

It has not been confirmed how long the closure at the castle grounds will be in place for.

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