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Jonathan Richards, of Britton Street, jailed for 22 years after rape victim saw him on bus

By: Paul Hooper

Published: 14:44, 30 April 2019

Updated: 17:34, 30 April 2019

A victim – terrified into silence after a brutal rape – spotted his attacker more than a decade later catching a bus.

He alerted the authorities and now a Gillingham man has received a 22 year extended jail sentence for his vile crimes.

As a result of a police investigation another child came forward to reveal she too was a victim of the predatory sex offender Jonathan Richards.

Jonathan Richards (9405971)

The registered blind 36-year-old, of Britton Street, was found guilty of rape and three other sex offences by a jury at Maidstone Crown Court.

Richards, who needs a special stick to move around, was escorted from the dock by a security officer to begin his long sentence.


Judge Julian Smith told him he will have to serve two-thirds of an immediate 18 year jail term before he is eligible for parole and will then serve an extra four years on licence when he is finally released.

His two brave victims – who gave evidence at the trial – hugged each other after Richards was jailed.

“There has been no remorse for your predatory behaviour on two victims...” Judge Julian Smith

Both were young children when the predatory sex attacker pounced on them in three separate incidences more than 10 years ago.

The woman said in a victim impact statement that Richards had robbed her of her childhood after she fled from his vile clutches.

Prosecutor Patricia May had told the jury how the male child was so traumatised by the rape he kept silent – even contemplating suicide.

But then many years later he spotted Richards getting on a bus and decided to reveal details of his heart-wrenching ordeal.

Judge Julian Smith

The courageous victim, who read out his impact statement in court, told Judge Smith how he had turned to drink and drugs to cope with his trauma.

He added: “Before the incident occurred I was a normal child, playing outside with my friends.”


He revealed how after the rape his education suffered and when a teacher placed his hand on his shoulder, “I just froze”.

“What happened has ruined my life and my relationships...I wake up at night covered in sweat, suffering nightmares and flashbacks. My worry is now when I will be able to lead a normal life again.”

Jailing Richards, the judge told him he had been “manipulative” and “arrogant” and had preyed on young vulnerable children who he had humiliated.

"This case proves it is never too late for victims to report what has happened to them..." NSPCC spokesman

“There has been no remorse for your predatory behaviour on two victims.”

He added that he viewed Richards as someone who poses an ongoing risk to “very, very young children” in the future.

After the sentencing Mrs May revealed to the judge that a member of Richards’ family had said to Richards in the courtroom: “Don’t worry John..I know where they (the victims) live”.

He was prevented from leaving by a police officer and later the Judge warned him that making threats in court is a viewed as a contempt, which carries a jail sentence.

The man apologised after the judge added: “Make sure there is no more trouble.”

Maidstone Crown Court (9213740)

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Child sexual abuse can have life-changing effects on victims which can last in to adulthood. But as this case proves it is never too late for victims to report what has happened to them.

“Speaking out not only enables justice to be served, it also opens doors so victims can get the professional help and support they need so they can break free from the emotional and mental turmoil they have coped with in silence for many years.

"In time they can learn how to overcome their ordeal and go on to live a happy, normal life.”

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