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Sex pest Nicholas Bennett, of Dalton Street, Gillingham, is jailed for stalking young women

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 00:01, 03 November 2015

Updated: 08:09, 03 November 2015

These are the dramatic moments a pervert who cruised around in his car accosting and pestering young women was arrested by police.

Convicted sex offender Nicholas Bennett molested one young woman and stalked two others, putting them in fear, a court heard, but is now off the streets.

Now, he has been jailed for 14 months and had restrictions placed on his driving under a Crime Prevention Order.

Officers arresting Bennett

A judge told the 26-year-old: “You clearly have a determination on occasions to indulge your desire to have sexual contact with young women.”

Bennett first approached a student, aged 17, on the morning of April 29 in Gillingham after pulling up in his car.

Nicholas Bennett has been jailed for 14 months.

Claire Cooper, prosecuting, told Maidstone Crown Court the girl pulled away after Bennett started rubbing her arm as he asked her: “Do you fancy earning some extra cash?”


A woman, aged 27, saw Bennett kerb crawling in a Ford car in the town on July 16. He drove close to her and kept stopping and overtaking her. He did the same again and tried to talk to her when she saw him a week later.

Another teenager, aged 19, was approached three times by Bennett.

She was at a bus stop in Gillingham when he pulled up and pestered her.

She swore at him and told him to go away but the next time she was at a bus stop in Beechings Green, Twydall Bennett drove past and then went into a shop.

He came out and asked her the time.

Bennett being arrested in Pier Road, Gillingham.

“She thought he was quite menacing,” said Miss Cooper.

On the third occasion she was in Richmond Road, Gillingham, with a friend waiting for a taxi on April 26 this year.


He pulled up and the teenager said to her friend: “Don’t speak to him, he’s a weirdo.” He drove up and down five times.

All three victims gave descriptions of Bennett and his cars and he was arrested on May 1.

Bennett, of Dalton Street, Gillingham, admitted sexual assault and two offences of harassment shortly before he was due to stand trial on Friday.

Judge Jeremy Carey said Bennett’s problem needed to be addressed in the long term or he would be back before the court.

“I am not prepared to continue with the lenient approach towards your behaviour,” he said.

“It is time you learnt that prison sentences will follow except in unusual circumstances, which these aren’t.

“Be warned, a court on another occasion will look very much into whether the public ought to be protected on a long-term basis.”

The judge ordered Bennett should not drive unless for work or when accompanied by his partner “for everyday enjoyment”.

“If the police find you driving in other circumstances they will know what you are up to and you will be breached with very grave consequences,” he warned.

Officers arresting Bennett in Gillingham

Miss Cooper said Bennett had previous convictions as a juvenile for sexual assault in 2006. He was convicted of harassing a girl, aged 15, in 2010 after making an anonymous call threatening to rape her. He was given a suspended sentence.

Bennett was ordered to pay a criminal court charge of £900. He was placed on the sex offenders’ register for 10 years and barred from working with children or vulnerable adults.

After sentencing, DC Phil Pead said: "Bennett’s actions were the cause of great concern for his victims, especially as two of them had been approached by him on more than one occasion.

"A number of other young women had also reported him acting suspiciously around them.

"Young women should be able to walk to and from school or work without being harassed by the likes of Bennett, who has quite rightly received a custodial sentence for his actions.

"Upon his release he will no longer be able to drive around Gillingham or anywhere else unless accompanied or travelling for the purposes of employment.

"Should he breach this order, he will find himself back before the courts."

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