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soldier killed in Afghanistan

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 12:05, 29 March 2010

Updated: 12:05, 29 March 2010

One of three brothers serving with the army in Afghanistan has been killed.

Daniel Holkham died on Saturday afternoon after being caught in a blast caused by a suicide bomber.

Daniel Holkham

The 19-year-old born in Chatham was a member of the 3rd Battalion, The Rifles, serving with 3 Rifles Battle Group.

According to the Ministry of Defence, the suicide bomber struck in an area 1km to the east of Sangin in Helmand province.

Lieutenant Colonel David Wakefield, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, has paid tribute to the former pupil of Minster College, Sheppey.


He said: “He was part of a patrol which had just completed providing protection for soldiers from the counter-IED (improvised explosive device) Task Force to deal with an unexploded insurgent bomb, an operation to protect and save lives.

“The bomb had been successfully dealt with and the 3 Rifles soldiers had continued on their foot patrol when a suicide bomber in a car detonated himself near them.

“We have lost another of our fellow soldiers, one of our comrades, whose indefatigable courage in the face of danger day after day will not be forgotten.”

Daniel’s death takes the total number of British service personnel killed in action since the conflict began in 2001 to 245.

In a statement released by the Ministry of Defence on Sunday night, Daniel's parents, Rodney and Tracy, said: "The loss of our son Danny has left a huge hole in our lives and that of his brothers and friends that can never again be filled.

"He served his country faithfully and with great pride."


Sheppey MP Derek Wyatt has also paid tribute to Daniel, who was serving alongside his brothers Matthew, 20, and Andrew, 18.

He said: “The whole Island will want to join with me in offering our thoughts and prayers for the Holkham family.

“This will not be an easy time for them as they come to terms with the sad loss of Danny, a truly inspirational son, serving as he did in Afghanistan and knowing that his other two brothers were also serving there.

“In times like these, words sometimes fail us but love conquers all.”

Swale mayor Cllr Adrian Crowther has joined Mr Wyatt in paying tribute.

He said: “I have two sons myself and all I know is that it would devastate me if something happened to them.

“I feel terribly sad for the family; they must be going through hell.

“I felt sorry they had three sons in the same place; it really is dreadful news to hear.”

Warden ward councillor, Pat Sandle, said: “I just want to say how distressed I am for them.

“Every time I have heard of another death out there, I have looked to make sure it isn’t one of those boys.

“They’re a really, really nice family and this will leave a big hole up here in this part of the Island because they are all so well liked.”

Brian Lyons, of the Sheppey branch of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA), visited the Holkhams on Sunday morning.

Rodney and Tracy Holkham, of St James Close, Warden, have three sons, all serving in Afghanistan

He said: “It is such a shock, knowing the family as I do and with our own grandson Matthew [who is serving in Afghanistan with the Grenadier Guards] due back in just nine days like young Daniel was. It’s terrible.”

Mr and Mrs Holkham spoke to the Sheerness Times Guardian in January about their pride in their three sons serving together in the Army.

Speaking about the pressures of having their boys in harm’s way, they said it was devastating for them every time they heard of another death and they felt for everyone who had family out there fighting.

Mr Holkham added that there are mixed emotions when they see stories of fatalities in the media.

He said: “You feel relief and guilt when you hear that next-of-kin have been informed – it’s not easy. I can’t imagine what it's like to have that knock on the door.”

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