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Three staff members test positive for Covid-19 at Medway Mail Centre in Strood

By: Chris Hunter

Published: 15:10, 08 September 2020

Updated: 13:39, 09 September 2020

Royal Mail has carried out enhanced cleaning at the Medway Mail Centre in Strood, after three staff members tested positive for coronavirus.

Yesterday KentOnline received information from an anonymous source stating three people at the site had been confirmed as having the virus "within the last three days", and that another had developed symptoms over the weekend.

The Medway Mail Centre in Strood

The source added that social distancing had not been followed at the site over the last six weeks and that Royal Mail had failed to contact staff who had worked with those who had tested positive, in order that they could self-isolate or take a test.

The Royal Mail has now confirmed the recent cases but said colleagues had been notified, and that social distancing and hygiene measures remain in place.

A statement said: “Royal Mail takes the health and safety of its colleagues, its customers and the local communities in which we operate very seriously.


"Following three positive tests for coronavirus at the Medway Mail Centre, we have carried out an enhanced clean of the area where the individuals worked, and colleagues who worked with the individuals have all been notified and are self-isolating.

"Throughout this crisis, every decision we make puts the health of our people and customers first.

Three members of staff at the mail centre, Knight Road, Strood have tested positive for the virus. Picture: Simon Hildrew

"We have put in place a range of preventive measures to protect both our customers and our colleagues.

"As well as encouraging good hand hygiene, standard ways of working have been revised to ensure that colleagues stay two metres apart at all times.

"All staff have been briefed about the social distancing measures jointly agreed by local management and the CWU.

"This has been supplemented with visible reminders such as posters and one-way floor markings. In addition there is only one person permitted in a Royal Mail delivery vehicle at any one time.”

Specialists from Public Health England (PHE) South East are also providing advice and support to Royal Mail following the positive tests and people identified as close contacts of cases are being advised to self-isolate.


James Williams, Director of Public Health at Medway Council, said: “We are working closely with Public Health England, Royal Mail and NHS partners to provide advice and support and to help stop the virus from spreading.

“All workplaces are advised to continue to follow the national guidance and ensure that anyone with coronavirus symptoms isolates for 10 days, and that members of their household isolate for 14 days. Close contacts of confirmed cases are asked to self-isolate for 14 days, even if they have no symptoms, to avoid unknowingly spreading the virus.

“We all have a part to play in reducing the spread of the virus and I would encourage residents to continue to follow social distancing guidelines and to book a test as soon as they can if they develop symptoms.”

Employers have been asked to take certain measures to help reduce the spread of the virus, including ensuring staff can maintain two metres social distancing wherever possible, encouraging employees wash their hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds with soap and water, and frequently touched surfaces are cleaned regularly.

The company has been advised to continue to take appropriate public health measures to ensure it is safe for other staff to attend as normal.

Anyone who does develop symptoms, which include a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss or change to their sense of taste or smell, is advised to self-isolate straight away and arrange to get a COVID-19 test.

For the latest coronavirus news and advice, click here.

Read more: all the latest news from Medway

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