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PE teacher Stefan Joao Goncalves banned from classroom after inappropriately touching children at Hilltop primary, Strood

By: Megan Carr

Published: 15:20, 27 October 2022

Updated: 15:28, 27 October 2022

A teacher has been banned from the classroom due to sexual misconduct which included inappropriate touching of his pupils.

Stefan Joao Goncalves, who taught PE at Hilltop Primary Academy in Frindsbury, near Strood, is now indefinitely prohibited from teaching.

Stefan Goncalves. Picture: Twitter

At a misconduct panel hearing, which took place earlier this month, it was proved the 29-year-old failed to maintain a professional relationship with five pupils.

Mr Goncalves told boys they were special in person and through cards.

He was also seen touching and stroking a boy's face, leg, hand and even putting him in a head lock.


The school's head teacher at the time, Gavin Evans, gave a statement regarding the behaviour.

He said: "We were unable to find pupil A or Mr Goncalves after lunchtime.

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"In the end, Mr Goncalves was found by the deputy head teacher with pupil A, who was distressed, between his legs.

"The room's door was closed, the blinds were drawn and the lights were off."

Further concerns were raised once Mr Evans reviewed CCTV footage.

Speaking about this, Mr Evans said: "The behaviour he showed to the child was inappropriate.

"It looked wrong, the way his body was close to the child, he was invading their personal space.

Gavin Evans, former head teacher of Hilltop Primary School, Frindsbury

"There was one clip when he was putting something in or taking something out of their mouth."


Pupil A's mum, known to the panel as mother A, spoke about the odd behaviour she noticed and how it affected her child.

Mr Goncalves supposedly came to pupil A's home on two occasions – bringing a letter and bag when the boy was unwell.

His mother explained: "He turned up with no reason.

"I was surprised to see him but I said 'thank you for bringing pupil A's things home' but he really didn't need to as it wasn't important.

Stefan Goncalves. Picture: Facebook

"He lingered, I think he wanted me to invite him in but I didn't."

Mother A also commented on Mr Goncalves' behaviour at school events, saying: "He grabbed pupil A in a man hug and it made me uncomfortable. He pulled my son into his chest."

After feeling something wasn't right and hearing from Mr Evans about the inappropriate classroom behaviour, Mother A also gave her statements to the school.

Speaking on her son's behalf, mother A said: "Pupil A said Mr Goncalves was a weirdo.

"He is older now and doesn't talk about the situation much. He wants to put it to the back of his mind.

The entrance to Hilltop Primary School

"When he was in Mr Goncalves' lessons he used to tell me he had a bellyache or a headache, these were all excuses so he wouldn't have to go into school.

"Pupil A was always confident and outgoing, after Mr Goncalves he went into himself."

Misconduct panel decision maker, Sarah Buxcey, confirmed Mr Goncalves was no longer allowed to teach at any educational establishment.

She said: "He is prohibited from teaching indefinitely and cannot teach in any school, sixth-form college, relevant youth accommodation or children’s home in England.

"Furthermore, in view of the seriousness of the allegations proved against him, I have decided Mr Goncalves shall not be entitled to apply for restoration of his eligibility to teach."

He has a right of appeal the decision to the King’s Bench Division of the High Court.

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