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Jordan Ash convicted of attempted murder in Strood

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 14:50, 10 September 2018

Updated: 14:54, 10 September 2018

A teenager who stabbed a father three times in his abdomen on his doorstep in a confrontation about a smashed window has been convicted of attempted murder.

Jordan Ash was told by a judge he faces being locked up for an "extremely long" period for his violent attack on 59-year-old Gerald Edwards.

The victim was knifed outside his home after he confronted a group of vandals who smashed his living room window, a court heard.

Gerald Edwards was stabbed in Vicarage Road, Strood. Picture: Google Street View

He had to have his spleen removed and a partial removal of his pancreas as a result of the wounds he suffered in the unprovoked attack. His liver was also sliced.

Mr Edwards had been sitting just three feet from the window when it was smashed with a lump of wood at 8.50pm on Friday, September 29 last year.


Having rushed out to tackle the vandals, 19-year-old Ash charged towards him and without warning thrust a 6in blade repeatedly into him with an underarm motion.

Mr Edwards' teenage son Christopher, who had been watching Coronation Street when he heard the commotion outside, dragged his injured father back into the house in Strood.

The 19-year-old was forcing the front door shut when Ash jabbed the same blade through a stained glass panel, slicing the palm of Christopher's right hand.

Maidstone Crown Court was told that Ash's DNA was later found on the broken edge of the glass.

He denied attempting to murder Gerald Edwards, unlawful wounding of Christopher Edwards, and having an article with a blade, but was unanimously convicted of all three offences.

Judge Charles Macdonald adjourned sentencing at Maidstone Crown Court in Kent until December 10 to assess any danger Ash may pose to the public.

The trial took place at Maidstone Crown Court

But he added: "On any view it will be an extremely long custodial sentence."


The teenager, of no fixed address, is currently serving for an offence of affray in relation to a stabbing at a KFC in the seaside town in July last year.

At the start of his trial, the court heard how Gerald Edwards feared he was going to die.

In a statement made by to police and read to the jury, he said he was sitting in his front room when he heard voices outside his Victorian terraced home in Vicarage Road.

His wife Lucy was upstairs and his son watching Coronation Street in another downstairs room.

Mr Edwards then suddenly heard a loud smash as the living room window broke.

He told police: "I got up from my chair and ran to the front door and outside to see what had happened.

"I saw three males standing outside my property.

"I really thought I was going to die. I told my wife I loved her and to look after our children" - Gerald Edwards

"I shouted 'What are you doing? What are you doing?, or words to that effect'.

"Male one was at this point making his way towards the garden gate, and male two and male three were already out on the public footpath.

"Male one reached the gate but then turned around and looked right at me. Suddenly he turned back quick and rushed at me.

"He thrust with a great deal of force and hit me three times in three different places in the abdomen area.

"I thought he had hit me with a baton because it didn't feel like a punch. It hurt so much I knew I was done for and had no fight in me."

Once back inside his house, Mr Edwards described how he saw blood pouring through his top and onto the floor and realised he had been stabbed.

His wife was screaming and very distressed as a neighbour gave him first aid.

His statement continued: "Everything after this was all a blur but I remember shouting out 'I have just got to keep alive'.

Judge Charles Macdonald

"I really thought I was going to die. I told Lucy I loved her and to look after our children because I really thought I was going to die."

The court heard Mr Edwards suffered knife wounds to the left side of his abdomen which cut his liver, one to the right side, damaging his spleen, and a third wound to his pancreas.

He added: "This whole incident happened so quickly and all in around a minute or less.

"He was right in front of me as he stabbed me."

Ash is the only defendant on trial but the jury was told the window was most likely smashed with the lump of wood by one of his two accomplices that night.

The wood was later found by police on the ground and broken into three pieces.

Prosecutor Dale Sullivan said the chances of the DNA found on the broken glass belonging to anyone else other than Ash was one in a billion.

He added: "It is the prosecution who suggest that as a result of the DNA deposited here, it was this defendant who both stabbed Gerald Edwards and stabbed the same glass panel causing the injury to his son."

"I managed to lock the door...he [Jordan Ash] then stabbed through the glass in the front door and sliced down my hand" - Christopher Edwards

Ash claimed in court that one of the other two with him that night must have stabbed the father and son.

Christopher Edwards told the court the knife was produced so quickly from Ash's hoody pocket that his father had no chance to retreat indoors.

The teen also described seeing the knifeman raise the weapon as if to stab him in the back as he and his dad ran inside the house.

He told the jury the whole incident from hearing the smash of glass to dialling 999 lasted just 45 seconds to a minute.

Christopher was 20 minutes into watching the second Friday night episode of Coronation Street when he heard a loud smash, followed by his dad opening the front door.

The teenager went outside and saw two men standing by the garden gate.

Giving evidence, Christopher said he did not recognise them and had not seen them before.

"I shouted out 'What do you think you're doing?' The first guy came at me and my dad shouting 'Why? What are you going to do about it?'," he told the jury.

"He came at us, he looked like he was just going to hit us until at the last second I saw him reach into his hoody pocket to bring out a knife. It was about 6in long.

"A second later I saw that he had stabbed my dad. I was under the impression it was just once but I found out it was three times.

"It was like a quick jab to the lower stomach with his left hand. He ducked down a bit and stabbed to the stomach.

"Instantly, I grabbed hold of my dad and dragged him into the house thinking that was going to be it.

"But I then turned around quickly to see he was coming after me. I thought I have got to get back inside or I'm going to get hurt.

"I managed to get inside just in time but when I tried to shut the front door I felt a heavy force and the guy trying to open the door, trying to get inside the house.

"I heard stabbing sounds to the door and I thought this is getting even more serious so I have got to shut this door.

"I managed to get it shut and managed to lock the door. He then stabbed through the glass in the front door and sliced down my hand."

Christopher told the court he then dialled 999.

"I froze for a few seconds wondering whether to go back out there, stupidly, to try and chase after him but instead I went straight to the phone and called the ambulance."

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