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Mechanic Robert Barlow had jaw broken in assault by thugs in Strood

By: Chris Hunter

Published: 00:01, 01 May 2018

Updated: 15:28, 13 September 2019

A disabled 62-year-old mechanic carried on fixing his car after having his jaw broken in three places by teenage thugs - then went to hospital for a four-hour operation on his face.

Robert Barlow, who has a shoulder disability, had been working on his car outside his home in Guildford Gardens, Strood, on April 21 when he was approached by a gang of youths who knocked him to the ground and repeatedly kicked him before running away.

Left with serious injuries, he told police he didn't want an ambulance, then pushed his jaw back into place before getting back to work on the car.

Robert Barlow has a broken jaw after he was hit with a metal pole by youths outside his home

But despite his stoicism, the attack has had a severe impact on the former charity worker, who used to train troubled young people at the North Kent Vocational Skills Centre and the Medway Motor Project in Gas House Lane, Rochester.

Having helped turn hundreds of lives around in his former role, he had no qualms about dishing out some advice when a teenager came racing past on his motorbike from a nearby playing field.


"I said either push it or go carefully and slow," said Mr Barlow, and recalled how he received a barrage of abuse in return.

"I said if that's your attitude I'll sort you out - get him arrested. Ten minutes later he came back, with seven or eight others, he wanted to flex his muscles. I was talking to one of them quite calmly, and while I was talking to him, the one I had spoken to before came from the side. I went down and the next thing I know they gave me a good kicking. I got up and as I got up they all ran off."

Mr Barlow believes he was initially struck with an iron bar, and says surgeons at East Grinstead - who he thanked for doing an amazing job - were also convinced a weapon had been used.

With his jaw now wired shut and a series of metal plates and pins holding his face in place, Mr Barlow will have to eat liquid food through a straw for at least the next six weeks, and can only talk without moving his jaw, as if through gritted teeth.

He's also been left unable to take medication for diabetes and unable to return to his job training people in the motor industry.

Robert Barlow with wife Helen

But the emotional impact has been just as bad on the dad of three, leaving him disillusioned after years spent helping young people.

"I helped hundreds of young people learn trades and get into work," he said. "There were offenders and kids from special schools. A lot of them still keep in touch an I've been invited to christenings and weddings. - it must have made an impact.


"But is it worth it any more? Everything is changing for the worse."

"They're just yellow - if it takes that many of them to give someone my age a kicking there's something wrong. He also threatened to do my house over.

"I think people should know what Medway's coming to. It's a rat-hole, I don't want to live here any more. There's no law and order any more, no discipline. It's a shame because Medway used to be a nice place."

"They're just yellow - if it takes that many of them to give someone my age a kicking there's something wrong. "They're just yellow - if it takes that many of them to give someone my age a kicking there's something wrong" - Robert Barlow

Police confirmed they are investigating a report that a man in his 60s was assaulted in Guildford Gardens, Strood, at around 4.40pm on Saturday April 21.

It is reported that the victim was assaulted while he spoke to a group of youths, who ran off in the direction of Southwell Road.

A 16 year old boy was arrested on suspicion of assault on Monday April 30, and has since been released pending further enquiries.

Officers are also trying to establish whether a weapon was used.

Anyone with information can call Kent Police on 01634 792209 quoting XY/023226/18.

Alternatively call Kent Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.

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