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Gillingham boss Steve Evans will have decisions to make on his backroom team as he tries to keep costs down

By: Luke Cawdell

Published: 06:00, 15 June 2020

Updated: 08:54, 15 June 2020

Gillingham manager Steve Evans will meet with his backroom staff in an attempt to streamline an already slender team.

Evans plans to speak with them today (Monday) after dealing with his players last week.

Gillingham manager Steve Evans with assistant Paul Raynor Picture: Ady Kerry

It’s already been announced that goalkeeper coach Simon Royce will be leaving the club and others might follow.

The Gills boss, working on reduced pay himself after taking a sizeable cut, said: “Maybe people will be having to do extra or some people might have to go. We really are in uncharted waters here.

“I don’t want to be at Gillingham and ever get into the situation where we spend money we haven’t got. We haven’t done that previously and that is how we will continue to work.”


Evans knows money is tight with little filtering down from the leagues above. The Premier League return to action this week.

He said: “Darragh MacAnthony (the Peterborough co-owner) said it really elegantly on the television when he said there is a 6-700k shortfall at every League 1 club and they need help. We will see where that goes but I can’t affect that. That is out of my remit.

"I am looking at even my local club, Peterborough Untied, they have paid off an analyst described as the best in League 1 at his job. They have got rid of their first team coach Aaron McLean.

"They are doing it because they have to and that is them having to make ends meet.

“All I can do is make sure I give the chairman the most streamlined operation I can give him. He has given me credit for that.

“When myself and Paul Raynor came in (last year) there was flexibility for us to bring someone else in (to coach) but we went reasonably early to the chairman and said, ‘no’. We held back and there may be a little more of that.


“I could talk until I am 99 about having the lowest budget. I can remember when we were talking to Lincoln City about John Akinde and we were saying we couldn’t afford to pay whatever it was, not on our budget, we couldn’t do it.

“Their chief exec said to me if you are on that budget then you get manager of the century. I have not seen the trophy but it must be quite a big one!

“The wonderful thing you get at Gillingham is you get the resources to build the team, the resources that are available.

“I remember almost shedding tears when I saw what almost happened at Bolton, I started there as a kid. They have now gone down to League 2.

“Look at Bury (kicked out of the league amid financial problems). I loved Gigg Lane and had a good rapport with the fans, always had good games there, lost and won. I look at what they did.

“You get the resources that are affordable to the club at Gillingham and as the chairman has often said, he would love to be in a position to give more resources to open up to even better players, but we are what we are and we work with what we’ve got.”

On Royce’s departure, Evans said: “It was a tough decision to tell him, I had to call and tell him.

“Roycey has been in my home with his family, he is a brilliant lad, but he knows a lot of people in football, he knows there are decisions like this being made on an hourly basis, never mind an annual basis. His contract was up until July and the club will honour that.”

What kind of coaching set-up Evans will have come the start of next season will all be down to finance and he added: “I know he (the chairman) will give me the best resources he possibly can. That is important.”

More: Youth players fail to make the grade

Read more on the Gills

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