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Runner attacked and ‘bitten on the buttocks’ by unleased German Shepherd in Edenbridge Recreation Ground while owner slept in his van

By: KentOnline Court Reporter

Published: 05:00, 15 October 2023

A runner was attacked and “bitten on the buttocks” by a German Shepherd dog running loose around a park while its owner slept in his van nearby.

Ex-soldier David Brand’s pet pooch chased Rebecca Davis as she jogged past his vehicle in Edenbridge Recreation Ground and left her with injuries to her hand and leg also.

David Brand slept in his van while his dogs ran around unsupervised

The hound, a German Shepherd named Sugsy, was with two other dogs that were also running free and unleashed in the park off Lingfield Road while 55-year-old Brand snoozed inside his van.

Ms Davis had gone out for a run at around 7.30am on August 15, when she neared Edenbridge Rugby Club’s car park and saw the van and the three dogs, two German Shepherds, and a bulldog.

A court heard as she ran past, the brown German Shepherd, Suggsy, started to chase her and jump up at her.


Prosecutor, Terry Knox said: “The brown dog chased her and jumped up and attacked her as she was running and she put her hand out and attempted to push it away and she got a puncture wound.

The dog that injured Ms Davis was the brown German Shepherd pictured here on the right with the other two dogs that were also off their leads at the time

“She also got bitten on the buttox and also suffered a leg bite and she looked in the vehicle’s front seats and they were empty and he was in the back of the van sleeping.

“She had to attend hospital afterwards and there were two other witnesses who supported what happened.”

Brand, of Clapham Road, London, admitted having a dog dangerously out of control causing an injury when he appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court, but said he did so on the basis Suggsy had not bitten Ms Davis, and instead maintained her injuries had been caused by the dog’s claws when he jumped up at her.

At the time, the case was adjourned and a pre-sentencing report was ordered.

He attended Medway Magistrates’ Court on Monday (October 9) to be sentenced.

District Judge William Nelson heard Ms Davis, had not been able to run for some time after the incident.

The incident happened in Edenbridge Recreation Ground Playground. Photo: Google

Mr Knox added: “Ms Davis had to take time off work and found it painful to walk and struggled to sleep afterwards and had to employ someone to walk her own dog after the incident as she couldn’t do it herself.


“Her victim impact statement said running was her hobby and she was not able to run because of her injuries and found that awful, she was low at times.

“All three dogs were unsupervised.”

Simon Holmes, defending, told Judge Nelson that Suggsy had not been aggressive, but rather excitable when he jumped up at Ms Davis and that Brand had been living in his van at the time.

Mr Holmes added: “Things have moved on and he is no longer living in the van and is now in supported accommodation.

“The jump up (by the dog) inflicted these injuries and an expert report has found Suggsy is an excitable dog and not a danger to the public.

“Mr Brand sufferers with PTSD and was in the military and served in Afghanistan, his brother now has Suggsy the dog.

“He is now living in a one-bedroom flat and has one of the three dogs, the bulldog, and is making arrangements for the other two.

David Brand pictured here with one of his other dogs, a British bulldog

“He couldn’t have reasonably predicted what happened and it was a momentary lapse of concentration, he had been making a call in the van, it was a short-lived incident.”

Judge Nelson told Brand he had failed to exercise his responsibilities as a dog owner should.

He added: “The dog ran to her and attacked her, she was wounded as a result of your failure.”

He placed Brand on a 12-month community order which will see him completed 25 rehabilitation days and fined him £150.

Brand was also ordered to pay Ms Davis £150 compensation as well as £85 court costs.

The judge agreed Suggsy didn’t pose a danger to the public, but ordered it must wear a muzzle in public and be on a lead no more than 1.5 metres long, at all times.

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