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Did you see thug break into Castle Connections, Queenborough, this morning?

By: John Nurden

Published: 13:17, 23 September 2019

Updated: 16:32, 23 September 2019

Police are hunting a thug who broke into Castle Connections, Queenborough, today.

The man, believed to be in his 20s, was captured on CCTV at 2am this morning trying to wrestle a safe off the wall in the charity's office.

Castle Connections, Queenborough. Picture: Google (17304872)

It is understood he caused £2,000 of damage before escaping empty-handed through a window.

Cllr Simon Fowle, a volunteer at the centre and former chairman of the trustees, said: "This toe-rag broke in this morning after hurling a lump on concrete through one of our windows and then tried to get the safe off the wall.

"When he failed, he tipped all the filing cabinets over, spilling paper everywhere. Luckily, the office was all locked up so he couldn't get into the rest of the building and had to climb back out the window.


"But we will have to replace the window, the safe and all our locks as some keys have gone missing. It will cost at least £2,000 which is a huge hit for a charity and something we can't afford. We had been saving up to repair the disabled lift which will cost £1,500. Now that will have to be put on hold."

Cllr Simon Fowle (Conservative) for Queenborough and Halfway. Picture: Swale council (17304705)

The break-in was reported by a member of the public. The damage was discovered by a volunteer who unlocked the building in Well Road, Railway Street.

One class for people with long-term health conditions run by Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust had to be cancelled this morning and the patients sent home but it was hoped the centre would be open in time for a Boogie Tots session in the afternoon.

Volunteers were drafted in to clean up the mess after a police forensics team had sifted through the debris for clues.

Officers were also studying CCTV footage of the raid which shows the burglar wearing a balaclava helmet.

The charity posted on social media first thing this morning: "Apologies for any inconvenience caused but the centre will be closed for at least this morning, if not all day, as we have been broken into.

The safe at Castle Connections, Queenborough (17325079)

"The centre is currently a crime scene and police are on site.

"We will update when possible. Please bear with us and thank you for your patience."


It added later at 2.30pm: "We are back up and running. As we type, Boogie Tots are here having a blast.

"We would like to say a huge thank you to Cllr Peter Marchington for boarding our window up.

"We cannot thank our volunteers enough for coming along and helping clear up the awful mess which was left behind.

Inside Castle Connections at the old school house in Railway Terrace, Queenborough. Picture: Andy Payton

"We would also like to thanks South East Locksmiths who are based in Leysdown for coming out so quickly to help, too."

The centre also hosts pottery classes, a community cafe, Weight Watchers' meetings, karate and the Medway Lindy Hoppers.

In April it hosted a meeting for Kent's Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott.

A police spokesman said: "We were called at 2.09am on Monday to a report of a burglary taking place at a premises in Railway Terrace, Queenborough.

The kitchen for the community cafe at Castle Connections, Queenborough. Picture: Andy Payton (17303673)

"The offender is reported to have gained entry to the building before attempting to enter a safe.

"Officers attended and conducted an area search, however, no suspects have been identified at present."

Anyone with information should call police on 01795 419119 quoting 46/182756/19, Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or complete the online form at

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