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Model aircraft fireworks display blamed for 100,000 square metres grass blaze at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness

By: John Nurden

Published: 01:40, 17 July 2022

Updated: 16:42, 18 July 2022

Fire crews are still at a huge blaze after a model plane display is believed to have set grassland alight.

The finale of a model aircraft exhibition on the Isle of Sheppey was brought down to earth with a bump when fireworks from planes ignited tinder-dry grass.

The fireworks display that sparked the blaze. Video: Chase Silverstein

Witness Mick Lovering, 50, a dustman from Sittingbourne, was camping in a caravan with friends when he saw the fire take hold.

He said: "We were watching the fireworks display. The fire was started from aeroplanes emitting sparks and fireworks from their tail sections which were being fired towards the ground which set fire to the very dry grass."

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Fire and smoke billow from a huge grass fire at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness, Sheppey, on Saturday night. It is believed it was started by sparks from a model aeroplane fireworks display. Picture: Andy Gray (Facebook)

He added: "Due to what's going on at the moment and the bush fires in the news I don't think it was a very sensible thing to be allowed to go ahead. We'd seen some drones and they were spectacular. They should have stopped with them.


"Now we have a caravan smelling of smoke. Everything will have to be cleaned."

He said he thought he would be safe from the fire as the land at Barton's Point Coastal Park at Sheerness has many water-filled ditches.

Video from last night

Firefighters tackle burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden
Firefighters tackle burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden
Firefighters tackle burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden

But he admitted: "There is quite a bit of wind. It could easily have made sparks from the fire jump the water."

The fire broke out around 10pm and quickly spread with the wind whipping up the flames.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service issued an update this morning at 8.30am. It said: "Firefighters remain in attendance. One fire engine has been maintaining a watching brief overnight since 2.30am.

"Shortly there will be three fire engines, a technical rescue unit, a telehandler (which is like a JCB), and a cobra appliance (which fires water at very high pressure) at the scene to recommence firefighting.

"A drone will also be flown to provide crews with a view from above."

Blazing grass at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness, after the model air show. Picture: Karon Bell
Fire at model aeroplane show at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: Chris Reed

It added: "As work continues, smoke is expected to increase in the area, therefore the earlier advice for nearby residents to close windows and doors remains in place.


"Please share this information with loved ones and neighbours in the affected area, who may not have access to social media."

At the height of the blaze, there were five fire engines, a fogging unit and an all-terrain vehicle in attendance. Crews used water and beaters to try to put the flames out over the 100,000 square metre site (1.5 hectares).

Firefighters tackle burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden
Firefighters tackle burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden
Police joined firefighters tackling burning grass following a model aeroplane display at Barton's Point Coastal Park, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden

There were no reported injuries but many staying in tents were forced to flee as smoke billowed over the camp site.

The Barton's Point Model Flying Spectacular was billed as a family fun weekend and was organised by the Barton's Point Model Flying Club. The second day of the free two-day festival was cancelled.

A post on Facebook said: "Unfortunately, we have cancelled the event for today. A big thank you to all who came and supported this free admission show the club puts on for Islanders."

It made no reference to the fire although organisers have had a huge backlash on social media for allowing the fireworks to go ahead.

Facebook post cancelling the second day of the Sheppey model air show
Firefighters return to damp down smoking areas of charred ground at Barton's Point, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden
Charred ground at Barton's Point, Sheerness. Picture: John Nurden

Paula Fagg wrote: "Why would anyone think it’s ok when it’s tinder dry to have a fireworks display at Barton’s Point? It was absolute madness. The organisers should be taken to task. This has had a dreadful affect on the wildlife there. It was absolutely ridiculous."

The event is normally a big draw on the model plane calendar but has not been staged for a few years because of Covid-19 regulations.

Dave Cook, the club's chairman, said: "We are obviously very sorry about this but unfortunately we have been advised not to make any further comment until we have heard from all the official bodies including our insurers, the Environment Agency, Swale council and the British Model Flying Association."

Firefighters returned to the site on Monday to dampen down areas which had begun to smoke again. It is understood the marshy ground contains peat.

The Island is only just recovering from being without water when a main bringing supplies to Sheppey burst. The fire service had to run a 5km hose from Kingsferry Bridge to Neats Court, Queenborough, to top up fire hydrants. The hose was being removed last night.

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