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Christmas card appeal for little Ezmae Catley, from Minster, Sheppey, goes global

By: Poppy Jeffery

Published: 00:01, 22 December 2016

Kind-hearted strangers from as far afield as America have supported a severely disabled girl this Christmas.

Ezmae Catley suffers from a range of complex medical conditions, including cerebral palsy, dystonia and brain damage.

She is also believed to have another undiagnosed genetic condition.

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Ezmae Catley and parents Claire Morrish and David Catley

The four-year-old is receiving end-of-life palliative care.


In November, parents Claire Morrish and David Catley launched an appeal to brighten up her Christmas.

They asked members of the public to send in festive cards to her.

Now, she has received more than 200.

Ezmae was diagnosed at the age of six months, and spends her days connected to oxygen and a feeding tube.

She is unable to communicate, and takes more than 50 medications a day.

Claire, 36, said: “Ezmae isn’t very well.

“She doesn’t really understand what happens at Christmas but she likes to listen to our voices.


“A couple of years ago we got people to send us cards and it wasn’t very busy – but this year it’s really taken off.

“It’s gone crazy – the last few years we’ve had about 20 cards, but this time we’ve had piles of them.”

The youngster spends most of her time at home or in hospital as a lot of equipment is needed to take her anywhere.

Her mum added: “It’s not just a five-minute trip to the shops.

Ezmae and her mum's cousin Christian Deadman as Santa

“We can’t plan much either because things can change at the drop of a hat.”

To visit the hospital, her family must bring her oxygen, feeding tube, suction machine, wheelchair, medication and catheter among other items.

Despite this, she does have good weeks, and the run-up to Christmas has been filled with festive fun.

Ezmae was even visited by Santa himself last month, thanks to Claire’s cousin, Christian Deadman.

Claire, of Minster Road, Minster, said: “Each hospital appointment we go to we seem to get another diagnosis and she’s become more poorly again.

Ezmae with some of her cards

“They now think she has an undiagnosed condition as she’s deteriorating more than they expected.

“She lost her sight about a year ago now, and due to her medication she’s very sleepy and she likes to have lots of cuddles.”

For Ezmae’s family, a trip out with her means being recognised in the street.

“We’d go to Maidstone and people would come up to us and ask how Ezmae is,” Claire said.

“She’s a little celebrity and she doesn’t even know it.”

Claire puts this down to her fundraising page, where supporters and friends can follow Ezmae’s progress.

“Even though she lost her sight, she knows who everyone is – mummy, daddy, her brothers and sisters,” Claire says.

Claire Morrish and just some of the cards for Ezmae

“And even if a new person she hasn’t met comes in, she still follows their voice.

“She lets us know what she wants.”

The family have expressed their gratitude to everyone who’s been so kind to them in the past, with businesses such as Costcutters and NatWest getting involved in the fundraising efforts.

The convenience store in Minster has been inviting shoppers to write cards for her, and is running a raffle and selling £2 “princess wristbands”, with all proceeds going to the family.

Claire added: “A massive thank you to everyone who’s sent cards. Something so small to you guys means so much to us, and the generosity of everyone for sending a simple card means a lot.

“It’s something very small, but it’s something she enjoys.”

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