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Sittingbourne pupils receive A-level results

By: Sittingbourne reporter

Published: 10:50, 13 August 2015

The waiting is finally over as thousands of students in Sittingbourne received their A-level results this morning.

We bring you news from the town's five secondary schools as the grades are announced.

Westlands School says students achieved an excellent set of Post-16 results.

A-level results are being handed out at schools across Kent

A-Level: 47 students were entered for 127 A-Levels across 14 subjects. All 127 entries resulted in a pass with 107 obtaining at least a C grade.

In comparison with last year there has been a 10% shift towards pupils obtaining higher grades.


A/S Level: 70 students were entered for 139 A/S levels across 14 subjects. 69 pupils obtained between one and four passes.

Vocational/BTEC: 93 students were entered for 192 vocational courses across 15 subjects. All 192 entries resulted in a pass with 186 of these at C grade equivalent or above.

A total of 151 of these entries resulted in an A*/A equivalent.

Simon Cox, head teacher at The Westlands School

Head teacher Simon Cox said: "We expected a good set of Post-16 results and we got an excellent set of results.

"As is now the norm our vocational subjects produced outstanding outcomes, with pupils obtaining the very top grades in most of their subjects.

"ICT, science and public services performed exceptionally well.

"However, I am particularly pleased to see so many pupils doing well in traditional academic A-levels, with some subjects, such as biology and geography, improving the number of pupils who obtain higher grades.


"Students needing university points will be relieved they have done so well.

I am delighted that the hard work put in by both students and teachers has paid off."

There was a clean sweep of passes at Highsted Grammar School with the majority of students receiving at least one A* or A.

Highsted pupils celebrate their A-level results

Overall, most of those taking A-levels passed in five subjects, with one in five of them achieving at least three or more A* or As and more than half getting at least three or more A* to Bs.

High achievers included Holly Chapman and Elly Goodwin, who gained three A*s, and Bobbi Sleafer-Nunes and Summer White with two A*s.

Assistant head teacher Daniel Quinn acknowledged the partnership the school has forged with Borden and Fulston Manor that has enabled Highsted to offer a broad range of A-level subjects.

"We are delighted that 98% of our students have secured their offer of a university place to commence study in September" - Highsted Grammar School head teacher Daniel Quinn

He added: "With the A* grade to identify those truly outstanding students, competition at A-level for university places is extremely fierce.

"We are delighted that 98% of our students have secured their offer of a university place to commence study in September.

"Our students work extremely hard to produce these excellent results and we are very proud of all that they have achieved; they are a credit to themselves and the school.

"We would like to commend the dedication and talent of the teaching staff who, together with the families of our students, have provided much support during their time at the school.

"We offer our congratulations and best wishes to everyone who is leaving Highsted this year and trust that the education they have received will continue to support them throughout their future careers."

Borden Grammar School head teacher Jonathan Hopkins

University beckons for Borden Grammar School students after another year of strong A-level results.

There were 104 exam takers in the class of 2015 and 100 of them passed in at least three subjects and all but one achieved two passes.

In Year 13, seven students - Samuel Jonas, Harry Jordan, Alex Kent, Asad Khan, George Moore, Sonny Murphy and Joseph Young - did exceptionally well, gaining three or more As.

At AS-level, 10 pupils - Adam Argent, Conrad Chamberlain, David Hendry, William Hutson, Jack Hutton, Ben King, Jake Lee, Sophia Mitchell, Joseph Stevens and Zack Taylor - achieved three or more As.

Head teacher Jonathan Hopkins said: "Students have worked hard to achieve their results and we wish them lots of success as they move onto the next stage of their education or embark on careers."

Fulston Manor School

Fulston ManorSchool head teacher Alan Brookes has welcomed another "outstanding" set of A-level results, with one student due to make history when he becomes the first from the school to study medicine.

Of the 117 students who sat exams, 300 in total across 28 subjects, there were 295 passes.

One of them, Joseph Carlow, has secured a place at the University of Durham to read medicine, after achieving an A* and two As.

Other high achievers included Tunji Ebun-Cole (two As and a B), Elizabeth Feist and Rachel Gallop (both two A*s and an A), Zowie Lenton (two A*s, an A and a B), and Lewis White (an A*, an A, a B and two As in AS subjects, and Antonia Barden and Guy Gardener (both one A and two Bs).

Of the 30 students taking BTECs, all of them passed, 14 with a distinction. Notable results were achieved by James Weller, Hannah Banwo and Harry Wheeler.

Fulston Manor School head Alan Brookes

Head teacher Alan Brookes, who said the results overall were the same as in 2014, said: "This has been another outstanding year of A-level success for the school with over 50 students achieving the grades required to go on to the university of their choice in September.

"Whilst many students continue to choose local universities, others are taking up places as far afield as Durham, Manchester, Loughborough and the University of East Anglia in Norwich.

"I am extremely proud of everyone involved and am delighted by the success of all our young people."

A positive set of results at Sittingbourne Community College have been branded a "significant milestone" towards it becoming an outstanding school.

All the students who sat exams passed, with notable success in BTEC dance, which saw all 12 students gain grades equivalent to A* or A, and business where 16 of 18 students achieved top marks.

From left, SCC students Hollie Streeter-Kent, Natalie Goswell, Atlanta McLean, Monice Rose, Mica Bennett, Chinneth Sarno

Overall, the average point score per student - the number of points corresponding to each grade, which increase the higher the mark - was up on last year.

A statement issued by SCC deputy head teacher Victoria Standing said: "We are delighted with these results, which are testimony to the hard work, commitment and enthusiasm of our students.

"We are incredibly proud of their achievements, and of the role that they have played in inspiring younger students within the school.

"We wish them every success as they proceed onto the next stage of their careers, whether this is through university, college, full-time employment or vocational training."

"Our results this year are a significant milestone in our journey towards becoming an outstanding school, and show the commitment of our staff and students alike."

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