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Sittingbourne pedestrians frustrated by footpath parking near APM Metals Ltd, Eurolink Way

By: Megan Carr

Published: 05:00, 16 February 2023

Updated: 14:17, 16 February 2023

Pedestrians are fed up with having to walk in the road and "push their prams" around lorries parked on footpaths near a scrapyard.

Zack Clout-Bonner, who lives near Morrisons in Sittingbourne, has slammed the "utterly selfish" parking of HGVs blocking his route by APM Metals Ltd in Eurolink Way.

The lorries parked on the path by APM Metals scrap yard. Picture: Zack Clout-Bonner

The 30-year-old brickmaker said: "It happens a lot. Sometimes the lorry drivers leave just enough gap for one person to get past but at other times they take up the whole path.

"I don't know how quickly they're moved on but most of the time when I cross over by the roundabout from the COOK Kitchen end of Eurolink Way you can see all the lorries parked up during the day."

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Zack walks to his local gym, Dragonzlair in the St Georges Business Park and usually notices the parked trucks between 10am and noon.

He added: "They've always parked along that bit of path. There isn't really any drama when they park on the left side of the road as it is wider.


"However, since the road islands were installed a couple of months ago they've just completely blocked the pavements.

Zack Clout-Bonner, who lives near Morrisons in Sittingbourne, is fed up with how lorries park along the path near the AMP Metals scrap yard

"The small amount of room the drivers leave on the path isn't enough for a person, let alone anything bigger.

"It isn't fair on anyone who is pushing a pram or a wheelchair or anything like that. It is inconsiderate."

Zack shared his frustrations on Facebook but was met with little sympathy.

One said: "Where are they meant to park?

"The council has put in an island to cross, I would suggest bad planning by the council is the problem as this business has been their years."

A lorry outside APM Metals in Eurolink Way. Picture: Google Maps

Another said: "Vans and lorries have been parked like it for years stop crying about it."

While someone else chimed: "That scrap place has been there for years and there were no issues. It is only causing problems now as they built all around it."


However, many other people were quick to air their frustrations with the parking and sided with Zack .

One said: "Stop making excuses for this kind of utterly selfish parking."

Another man added: "I would like to know how I am supposed to get past on a mobility scooter?"

APM Metals in Sittingbourne. Picture: Google Maps

Someone else said: "It's never been acceptable. On what planet is it acceptable to force pedestrians into a very busy road and bar access for some people altogether?"

Another added: "Pedestrians have been around a hell of a lot longer than motor vehicles in general and pavements are actually for walking on!"

There is no nearby parking next to APM Metals.

However, Zack suggests the lorries should go up to the nearby traffic lights and turn around before queueing like other vehicles do to save some space on the pavement.

Yard manager Peter Hyams, of APM Metals, said: "I apologise if this situation has affected anyone in any way.

"We have contacted all suppliers, customers and sub contractors and have asked if they could keep the paths clear when visiting site..."

"The vehicle was a sub contractor and had parked there of his own accord.

"We have contacted all suppliers, customers and sub contractors and have asked if they could keep the paths clear when visiting site as we think it's vitally important that the paths should be kept clear for public safety."

Kent County Council said vehicles obstructing pavements was a matter for the police.

When contacted Swale council told KentOnline it had powers to make sure drivers stick to parking restrictions on roads, where they exist.

A spokesman added: "However, we can’t enforce if there aren’t any traffic regulation orders in place – as I believe is the case here."

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