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Teynham pub's burger challenge

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 10:56, 25 January 2013

Richard Wooldridge with the giant burger.

A customer’s unusual request for a gut-busting burger has now been added to a pub menu as a challenge for other diners. Hayley Robinson found out more

Richard Wooldridge was out for a family meal at the Dover Castle Inn when he asked if the chef could cook him eight 4oz burgers, eight rashers of bacon plus cheese in a bun with a side serving of chips, coleslaw and salad.

The order was met and amazingly the married dad-of-four managed to clear his plate.

Now the dish, named the Wooldridge Challenge, is available for other customers to try, although the number of burger patties and rashers of bacon has been reduced to seven and the stack is served in two halves.


Since April, 26 people have tried to munch their way through the dish, which costs £18.95, but only seven have been successful in finishing it.

The reward is a £10 voucher to spend on food or drink on their next visit to the watering hole, in London Road, Teynham.

A picture is also taken at the beginning and at the end of the challenge. The images are then posted on a notice board in the bar, as well as on the pub’s Facebook page.

Mr Wooldridge, of Saffron Way, Milton Regis, thinks it’s “cool” that others can try his creation.

The 38-year-old, who is 6ft, weighs 17st 7lbs and has a 38-inch waist, said: “When I ordered it I just felt greedy.

“My son Luke is also quite greedy. He ordered the ultimate burger which has two burgers, two rashers of bacon, cheese, a flat cap mushroom and three onion rings in it plus all the trimmings.


“It sounded nice but I wanted something bigger.

“I wasn’t sick at the end of it but I did feel full and lethargic - luckily I didn’t have breakfast that morning.

“I’ve been at the pub when others have tried the challenge.

“I usually go over and introduce myself as the creator but I’ve never been there when someone has completed it.

“It’s not the first time I’ve ordered giant portions of food though. Before the burger my father-in-law and I each ordered two 32oz T-bone steaks for starters and then two 32oz rump steak for our mains.”

Landlord Phil Clements said: “There is no time limit to complete the challenge in but it’s been said by those who have completed it you need to eat it fast.

"It becomes more difficult as it cools down and after a certain time the brain tells you to stop which we explain to the challengers.

“The response has been amazing to something that just started out as a bit of fun but I suppose not that surprising when you consider the amount of publicity the TV programme Man v Food Nation and Heat Seekers is getting.”

The nutritional value of the meal is not to be scoffed at.

It’s estimated that the mammoth portion contains 3,479 calories, 246.4g of fat of which 104.4g is saturated, 791mg cholesterol, 85g carbohydrates, 227.1g protein and 2.9g sugar.

The recommended daily calorie intake for a man is 2,500 and no more than 30g of saturated fat. For a woman it’s 2,000 calories and no more than 20g of saturated fat.

Richard is now helping with a new challenge.

KMFM breakfast presenters take on the challenge. Rob and Emma with the giant burger

Phil said: “We’re exploring a hot wing challenge using six chicken wings but have not perfected it yet.

“I have, however, done a couple of trials which Richard has sampled along with another regular, Tim Philpott.

"They both ate them and wanted them hotter, although they were too hot for Richard’s wife Sophie and the guys in the kitchen.

"As soon as I can get the right chillies it will go on the menu.”

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