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Teynham thug punched teenager in face causing it to cave in on one side

By: Lynn Cox

Published: 05:00, 30 August 2022

Updated: 12:29, 30 August 2022

A thug who punched a teenager in an unprovoked attack causing his face to "cave in" on one side has been spared jail.

Daniel Godden, 29, punched James Gibson, who was aged 16 at the time, after confronting him over the noise he and a friend were making as they walked along the road where he lived in Teynham during the early hours.

Daniel Godden, 29, was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court

The incident happened three years ago on August 25, 2019, when at about 2am the victim and his pal, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were walking along the road.

One of the teenagers tried reasoning with Godden after he came out of his home in Orchard View, Teynham, but he lashed out and punched Mr Gibson on the side of the face.

The blow saw him spin round and end up on his stomach unconscious.


The teen cannot remember being punched and only recalls waking up on the ground in pain.

He suffered multiple fractures to his cheek and eye socket and the left side of his face looked flat and caved in, a court heard.

Godden was arrested over the attack and charged with grievous bodily harm. He admitted the charge in March this year, the day before he was due to stand trial over the matter.

He was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court on Wednesday, August 24, and the court heard Mr Gibson, who is now over the age of 18, had to have surgery to repair the fractures and may suffer pain and numbness in his face for the rest of his life.

Prosecutor Andrew Forsyth told the court as the pair walked along the road they had been making some noise and it was then they heard a male voice telling them to stay there and then Godden came out of his home and confronted them.

Mr Forsyth added: "The defendant then said, 'What the **** are you doing up my road?'

"Mr Gibson tried to appease Mr Godden and was in the process of leaving the area when he pulled his arm back and punched him to the left side of the face which span Mr Gibson round onto his stomach.

"Mr Gibson was left with noticeable injury his cheek was caved in and his eye was shut..."

"He woke up on the floor with the defendant shouting after him I should have ******* killed you.


"Mr Gibson was left with noticeable injury and his cheek was caved in and his eye was shut."

The teenager was taken to the QEQM Hospital in Margate for a CT scan which showed multiple fractures to the left side of his face and he had to undergo surgery to have plates put in to repair them.

The court also heard the teenager continued to suffer numbness and pain as the nerves in his face were also damaged in the attack.

Recorder Edward Butler heard Godden has nine previous convictions for 18 offences including actual bodily harm which he'd been given a suspended sentence for and the court was also told he was on bail for another offence at the time he committed the attack.

Godden was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court. Stock picture

Caroline Skeet defending told Recorder Butler that Godden suffers from mental health issues, had been taking cocaine and cannabis at the time and that the attack was a spontaneous incident and that her client was remorseful and recognised the impact the incident it has had on Mr Gibson's life.

Recorder Butler said: "An aggravating feature is that you committed the offence while on bail.

"The victim was vulnerable because of his young age and it was a grave injury which potentially could have a permanent effect."

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He jailed Godden for two years but suspended the term for two years.

He also ordered him to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work and complete 30 rehabilitation activity requirement sessions. He issued a five year restraining order preventing Godden from contacting Mr Gibson.

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