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Sittingbourne manager Darren Blackburn sees big improvement in derby win over Faversham

By: Craig Tucker

Published: 06:00, 02 September 2021

Darren Blackburn got the response he was looking for as Sittingbourne beat Faversham in the Swale derby.

Boss Blackburn had words with his side after Saturday’s 1-0 defeat at Whitehawk.

Sittingbourne manager Darren Blackburn Picture: Ken Medwyn

They bounced back with a 3-1 victory over a Lilywhites side who had won their opening two Isthmian South East games.

Taylor Fisher’s fourth-minute goal set them on their way, Johan Caney-Bryan doubled the lead and Toby Ajala added a late third, with Harry Harding scoring the consolation.

“They got a telling off after the Whitehawk game,” said the Brickies manager. "I felt we were going through the motions.


“There wasn’t enough hunger and desire to put the ball in the back of the net.

“That wasn’t just the forwards, that was the midfielders not getting forward quick enough, and the chances we did create we lacked composure in the box.

“You know you’re not going to dominate any team for 90 minutes in this league so you have to take your chances when you’re on top.”

Sittingbourne certainly did that on Tuesday as Faversham, who missed a first-half penalty, lost a league game for the first time since the curtailed 2019/20 campaign.

“They’re a good side,” said Blackburn. “James (Collins, manager) has got round pegs in round holes, his sides always work hard, they get back in shape quickly and they’re disciplined.

“He’d be the first to admit their strength in depth probably isn’t what he’d like at times but he always has a very good 13 or 14 players who will cause all sorts of problems if you let them.


“I was up after work into the early hours prepping for the game, even researching the best way to defend long throws, which is a big weapon in their arsenal and one they use to great effect.

“We changed formation as well to try and win the midfield battle and we felt if we glued two strikers to their centre-halves, we could cause problems.

“It all came together on the night, we scored a nice early goal to settle us down and put them under pressure.

“We got the second before half-time and the third was all-important.”

The Brickies finished with 10 men after skipper Kane Rowland was shown a second yellow card.

Blackburn felt it was harsh. “It was a typical local derby, two really committed teams,” he said.

“There were a couple of niggly bits, as you’d expect in a local derby, but there wasn’t a dirty tackle in the game.

“I think Kane was unfortunate because he’d picked up a yellow card then in a short period he was fouled twice himself and nothing was given.

“Typical Kane, he’s works hard for the team and he’s tried to win the ball back and given away a niggly foul.

“He's then gone to block a ball down the line, the ball’s skimmed his studs and he’s clashed feet with their player.

“Everyone’s gone up for it, screaming, which is a part of the game I don’t like, but we all do it and I’m probably as bad as anyone else.

“I really don’t like it but you have to do it because everyone else does it and if a referee is making 60, 70, 80, 90 decisions a game, they’re only human and you might influence one or two.

“We lose Kane for one game but it gives someone else a chance.”

Sittingbourne, who have re-signed goalkeeper Harry Brooks, three years after he left for Australia, are without a game this weekend.

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